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Djeroku - Django + Heroku

Djeroku is a project template for django apps with tools and pre-configured settings that make it easy to leverage the power of heroku. Out of the box you get a working local development environment and two matching heroku applications, plus all the tools to easily deploy between them.


Djeroku requires pip, virtualenv, git, and fabric. Install them however makes sense on your system (brew, apt-get, etc).

Creating a new Djeroku Project

Copy the file from github. This is the only thing you will initially need to start creating djeroku projects.

python project_name

This will create a new project for you, install all of the requirements, and leave you with some instructions and tools for what you can do next.

Provisioning your Staging and Production heroku apps

Djeroku projects have a that provides some helpful management commands, including the automatic creating and setup of your staging and production apps on heroku. You will need fabric installed to use them.

fab heroku_setup

Other Fabric Commands

You can see all the commands available via the fabric file by running: fab --list

Creating a new app

Django projects generate content via a collection of apps. In djeroku, the expectation is that your project-specific apps are in the <project_name>/project/apps folder.

From the top level folder of your project, you can create a new app in the apps folder using the django-admin startapp command as follows:

mkdir project/apps/new_app_name startapp new_app_name project/apps/new_app_name

Obviously this is just convention - if you don't like it, do something else.

Djeroku sets the project/apps folder as the base directory so you can import apps in this folder directly without any additional paths.

After creating a new app, you'll need to add it to your django config by adding its folder in the LOCAL_APPS tuple in settings/ and including any urls in the top level

Djeroku Project Structure

  • project_name
    • tools and config for running on heroku
    • project
      • tools and config for the project
      • apps
        • put your apps here

Djeroku Decisions

Djeroku includes some opinionated decisions about how to structure a project and what to include by default.

  • hosting files are in the top level {project_name} folder
  • project config files are in the project folder
  • apps live in the project/apps folder
  • base dir is project/apps so apps can be imported directly
  • includes django.contrib.humanize by default
  • includes django-extensions
  • relies on redis for task queues
  • dj-static for hosting static files (use an edge CDN when necessary)

Staging vs Production

The heroku setup script makes two heroku applications for your project, staging and production. They are intentionally almost identical, but there are a couple differences to note:

  • staging:

    • DEBUG = True with settings/
    • ENVIRONMENT_TYPE = 'staging'
    • {project_name}
  • production

    • DEBUG = False
    • ENVIRONMENT_TYPE = 'production'
    • {project_name}

Additional Tools

Formerly, Djeroku included lib/djeroku and apps/djeroku with some useful tools for tasks that commonly come up during development (eg, sending html emails from a template, emailing admins from a template, ssl middleware for heroku, validating post/get request fields, etc). This has all been moved out of the project template and onto the github wiki so you can pick and choose what you want and don't want.

More Instructions

Check out the deployment example for more detailed instructions for creating a new project, adding a new app, and deploying it to both staging and production.


Djeroku - Django + Heroku







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