Allow to fetch files, in chosen by user way. By default it will utulize WGET to download files.
To change the way of downloading an artifact, one should change setting - fetchtool::settings::fetch_tool
, to use some other definition.
# Will download file to /usr/src/
fetchtool::download { '': }
$baseuri = ''
$filename = 'flyway-commandline-4.2.0-linux-x64.tar.gz'
fetchtool::download { 'alias-for-flyway-4.2.0.tgz':
address => "${baseuri}/${filename}",
mode => '0660',
owner => 'flyway',
group => 'flyway',
fetch_dir => '/tmp',
filename => 'flyway-4.2.0.tgz',
attributes => {
# Additional attibutes to specific implementation - in this case WGET
'timeout' => 1200,
'install_wget' => true,