Tags: cog-imperial/OMLT
Update GNN notebook (#167) This PR updates the GNN notebook since some commands are not working for the lastest version of torch_geometric as discussed in issue #166. **Legal Acknowledgement**\ By contributing to this software project, I agree my contributions are submitted under the BSD license. I represent I am authorized to make the contributions and grant the license. If my employer has rights to intellectual property that includes these contributions, I represent that I have received permission to make contributions and grant the required license on behalf of that employer.
Fixing 404 errors of links to notebooks in the documentation (#143) I assume that the notebooks have been moved, but the documentation links did not reflect that **Legal Acknowledgement**\ By contributing to this software project, I agree my contributions are submitted under the BSD license. I represent I am authorized to make the contributions and grant the license. If my employer has rights to intellectual property that includes these contributions, I represent that I have received permission to make contributions and grant the required license on behalf of that employer.