Tools for working with eInvoicing according to EU standard EU 16931.
As ZUGFeRD 2 and Factur-X unified their specification, these two names are used synonymously and interchangeably throughout the documentation and code.
On Android for working with PDFs the Android application context is required. Call this line before creating and PDF relevant classes (like EInvoiceReader or EInvoiceCreator): = this.applicationContext
E.g. in MainActivity:
class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
net.codinux.invoicing.platform.AndroidContext.applicationContext = this.applicationContext
// ...
val reader = EInvoiceReader()
// extract invoice data from a ZUGFeRD or Factor-X PDF that contains eInvoice XML as attachment
val invoiceFromPDF = reader.extractFromPdf(File("ZUGFeRD.pdf"))
// extract eInvoice data from a XML file like XRechnung:
val invoiceFromXml = reader.extractFromXml(File("XRechnung.xml"))
val emailsFetcher = EmailsFetcher()
val fetchResult = emailsFetcher.fetchAllEmails(EmailAccount(
username = "", // your email account username
password = "", // your email account username
serverAddress = "", // IMAP server address
port = null // IMAP server port, can be left null for default port 993
fetchResult.emails.forEach { email ->
println("${email.sender}: ${email.attachments.firstNotNullOfOrNull { it.invoice }?.totals?.duePayableAmount}")
val validator = EInvoiceValidator()
val invoiceFile = File("ZUGFeRD.pdf") // or XRechnung,xml, ...
val result = validator.validate(invoiceFile)
println("Is valid? ${result.isValid}")
fun create() {
val invoice = createInvoice()
val pdfResultFile = File.createTempFile("Zugferd", ".pdf")
// create a PDF that also contains the eInvoice as XML attachment
val pdfCreator = JvmEInvoicePdfCreator()
pdfCreator.createPdfWithAttachedXml(invoice, pdfResultFile)
val xmlCreator = EInvoiceXmlCreator()
// create only the XML file
val xml = xmlCreator.createFacturXXml(invoice)
// create a XRechnung
val xRechnung = xmlCreator.createXRechnungXml(invoice)
private fun createInvoice() = Invoice(
details = InvoiceDetails("RE-00001",,
supplier = Party("codinux GmbH & Co. KG", "Fun Street 1", null, "12345", "Glückstadt"),
customer = Party("Abzock GmbH", "Ausbeutstr.", null, "12345", "Abzockhausen"),
items = listOf(InvoiceItem("Erbrachte Dienstleistungen", BigDecimal(170), "HUR", BigDecimal(105), BigDecimal(19))) // HUR = EN code for hour
val invoice: Invoice = createInvoice()
val existingPdf = File("Invoice.pdf")
val output = File("Zugferd.pdf")
val attacher = EInvoiceXmlToPdfAttacher()
attacher.attachInvoiceXmlToPdf(invoice, existingPdf, output)
// or if you already have the invoice XML:
val xmlCreator = EInvoiceXmlCreator()
val invoiceXml = xmlCreator.createXRechnungXml(invoice) // or creator.createZugferdXml(invoice), ...
attacher.attachInvoiceXmlToPdf(invoiceXml, EInvoiceXmlFormat.XRechnung, existingPdf, output)
Feature | JVM | Android | iOS, macOS, .. | Linux | Windows | JavaScript | WebAssembly | |
Read e-invoice XML | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | |
Extract e-invoice data from PDF | ✔️ | ✔️ | 🌐 | 🌐 | 🌐 | 🌐 | 🌐 | |
Create e-invoice XML | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | |
Attach e-invoice XML to existing PDF | ✔️ | ✔️ | 🌐 | 🌐 | 🌐 | 🌐 | 🌐 | |
Create PDF with attached e-invoice XML | ✔️ | 🌐 | 🌐 | 🌐 | 🌐 | 🌐 | 🌐 | |
Validate e-invoice XML | ✔️ | ✔️ | 🌐 | 🌐 | 🌐 | 🌐 | 🌐 | |
Validate e-invoice PDF | ✔️ | 🌐 | 🌐 | 🌐 | 🌐 | 🌐 | 🌐 | |
Fetch e-invoices from emails | ✔️ | ✔️ | 🌐 | 🌐 | 🌐 | 🌐 | 🌐 |
- ✔️ = Supported natively / directly on device
- 🌐 = Supported via webservice