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Releases: codeworksdev/animate.less


17 May 18:44
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The 2nd major release of our popular CSS animations framework is finally here! This distribution fixes 7 bugs, adds full support for Less.js v3, and includes 36 other essential under-the-hood upgrades. See below for the full changelog.


  • Fixes 7 bugs.
  • Adds full Less.js v3 support (v3.0.2 as of this writing).
  • 7 new pre-baked CSS animations.
  • Includes a fully functional demo that shows all pre-baked CSS animations in action.
  • Includes a full source folder with a breakdown of all included CSS animations.
  • Integrated mixins for creating your own animations.


  • #6: rotate/rotateCC keyframes not working in iOS
  • #20: Remove duplicate animation fadeInDown
  • #21: Remove duplicate animation rotateInDownLeft
  • #22: Missing animation rotateInUpRight
  • #24: Animation hinge default duration not set
  • #25: Animation lightSpeedIn default timing function not set
  • #26: Animation lightSpeedOut default timing function not set


  • #27: headShake
  • #28: jello
  • #29: jackInTheBox
  • #37: rotateZoomIn
  • #38: rotateZoomInCC
  • #39: rotateZoomOut
  • #40: rotateZoomOutCC

API (26)

  • #36: New mixin #a.direction
  • #45: New mixin #a.animations
  • #46: New mixin #a.vendor
  • #47: New shorthand mixins
  • #48: New mixin #a.transitions
  • #49: New #a.animated mixin definitions
  • #44: Update mixin #a.transition
  • #43: New variable @o_animateless_classless
  • #35: New variable @o_animateless_duration
  • #34: New variable @o_animateless_fill
  • #33: New variable @o_animateless_prefixed
  • #31: New import file _options.less
  • #23: Optimize @keyframes to use from/to format
  • #19: Move animation mixins to #a namespace
  • #18: Compiled CSS animation classes require "animated" class
  • #17: Rename #transition to #a.transition
  • #16: Rename #transform-origin to #a.transform-origin
  • #15: Rename #timing to #a.timing
  • #14: Rename #iterate to #a.iterate`
  • #13: Rename #duration to #a.duration
  • #12: Rename #delay to #a.delay
  • #11: Rename #backface-visibility to #a.backface-visibility
  • #10: Rename #vendor to #a.vendor
  • #9: Rename #animation-timing-function to #a.timing
  • #8: Rename animate-nc.less to _mixins.less
  • #7: Rename #doKeyFrames to #a.keyframes

MISC (3)

  • #32: Add demos folder to root
  • #41: Add src folder to root
  • #42: Vendor prefixes no longer generated by default


08 May 14:21
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  • #1: Add "rotate" animation
  • #2: Add "flashmin" animation
  • #3: Add minified CSS file
  • #4: Add "animate-nc.less" (no compile) file in case you only need the functions
  • #5: Rename #afl wrapper renamed to #a for improved syntax