This is a Lua port of Minctest, a very minimal unit-testing "framework" originally written in ANSI C. It's handy when you want some real simple unit tests for a small project.
Basically, it implements assertion and equal functions. It'll track and time how many tests pass and fail. Failed tests will also display which line the failing test code was on.
- Contained in a single file.
- Reports file and line number for failed assertions.
- Reports run time for each test.
- Tests continue even after an assertion fails.
- Has assertion for checking float equality.
- Released under the zlib license - free for nearly any use.
You can either copy minctest.lua
into your project, or if you use luarocks
run luarocks install minctest
require "minctest"
lrun("test1", function()
lok('a' == 'a'); --assert true
lrun("test2", function()
lequal(5, 5); --compare integers
lfequal(5.5, 5.5); --compare floats
return lresults(); --show results
That produces the following output:
test1 pass: 1 fail: 0 0ms
test2 pass: 2 fail: 0 1ms
All functions start with the letter 'l'.
If you're using Minctest in your project, let me know. I could add a link back.