PHP Version
CodeIgniter4 Version
CodeIgniter4 Installation Method
Composer (using codeigniter4/appstarter
Which operating systems have you tested for this bug?
Which server did you use?
cli-server (PHP built-in webserver)
What happened?
I have a custom event in a model that applies where clause to every search implemented thus:
protected $beforeFind = ['restrictToUser'];
protected function restrictToUser(array $data)
// in my case the user_id comes from session, hardcode here:
$this->where($this->table . '.user_id', 3);
return $data;
When I use it with an in-model pager, the find results apply this event, but the pager does not, resulting in wrong page count and wrong total record number.
Steps to Reproduce
Start with empty project.
Rename env
to .env
, change these lines in it to the values:
app.baseURL = 'http://localhost:8080/'
database.default.database = ci4
database.default.DBDriver = SQLite3
Add a cli route in app/Config/Routes.php:
$routes->cli('home', 'Home::index');
Add migration for a table:
php spark make:migration CreateTestTable
Replace up() and down() methods with:
public function up()
'id' => [
'type' => 'INT',
'constraint' => 10,
'auto_increment' => true,
'null' => false,
'user_id' => [
'type' => 'INT',
'constraint' => 10,
'null' => false,
'data' => [
'type' => 'VARCHAR',
'constraint' => 255,
'null' => false,
'created_at' => [
'type' => 'DATETIME',
'null' => true,
'updated_at' => [
'type' => 'DATETIME',
'null' => true,
'deleted_at' => [
'type' => 'DATETIME',
'null' => true,
$this->forge->addKey('id', true);
public function down()
make a seeder:
php spark make:seeder test --suffix
Replace the seeder method run() with this:
public function run()
$builder = $this->db->table('test');
$data = [];
$i = 1;
while ($i < 100) {
$user_id = rand(2, 4);
$data = [
'user_id' => $user_id,
'data' => 'Some text by user ' . $user_id . ', entry ' . $i,
'created_at' => '2024-01-09 12:51:33',
'updated_at' => '2024-01-09 12:51:33',
Create model:
php spark make:model TestModel
in model, update the $beforeFind callback thus:
protected $beforeFind = ['restrictToUser'];
and add event method to model:
protected function restrictToUser(array $data)
// in my case the user_id comes from session, hardcode here:
$this->where($this->table . '.user_id', 3);
return $data;
Add test code to the Home controller, replace the index() method with:
public function index()
$model = model(\App\Models\TestModel::class);
echo PHP_EOL;
echo 'Total number of entries in table (should be 99): ' . $model->countAllResults(false);
$list = $model->findAll();
//$list = $model->where('user_id', 3)->findAll();
echo 'Number with user_id = 3, using findAll(), event restrictToUser applied (should be ~1/3 of 99): ' . count($list);
echo 'Rerun find with paginate() (squeze all results in one page):' ;
$list = $model->paginate(101);
$pager = $model->pager;
echo '... done.' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
echo 'Real number of results, that honours event restrictToUser (should be ~1/3 of 99): ' . count($list);
echo 'pager-reported number, that ignores event restrictToUser (should be ~1/3 of 99, but is 99): ' . $pager->getTotal();
echo 'Rerun find with paginate() (10 per page):' ;
$list = $model->paginate(10);
$pager = $model->pager;
echo '... done.' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
echo 'Pager-reported number, that ignores event restrictToUser (should be ~1/3 of 99, but is 99): ' . $pager->getTotal();
echo 'Pager-reported page number, that ignores event restrictToUser (should be ~3, but is 10) : ' . $pager->getPageCount();
Run the test :
dg@tvenkinys:~/Programavimas/MOK/ci4bugDemo$ php spark migrate
CodeIgniter v4.4.4 Command Line Tool - Server Time: 2024-01-12 08:44:50 UTC+00:00
Running all new migrations...
Running: (App) 2024-01-10-214032_App\Database\Migrations\CreateTestTable
Migrations complete.
dg@tvenkinys:~/Programavimas/MOK/ci4bugDemo$ php spark db:seed TestSeeder
CodeIgniter v4.4.4 Command Line Tool - Server Time: 2024-01-12 08:45:12 UTC+00:00
Seeded: App\Database\Seeds\TestSeeder
dg@tvenkinys:~/Programavimas/MOK/ci4bugDemo$ php public/index.php home
Total number of entries in table (should be 99): 99
Number with user_id = 3, using findAll(), event restrictToUser applied (should be ~1/3 of 99): 28
Rerun find with paginate() (squeze all results in one page):... done.
Real number of results, that honours event restrictToUser (should be ~1/3 of 99): 28
pager-reported number, that ignores event restrictToUser (should be ~1/3 of 99, but is 99): 99
Rerun find with paginate() (10 per page):... done.
Pager-reported number, that ignores event restrictToUser (should be ~1/3 of 99, but is 99): 99
Pager-reported page number, that ignores event restrictToUser (should be ~3, but is 10) : 10
Expected Output
I expect the in-model pager report the same number of entries as returned by the model paginate() method, applying the in-model specified event correctly.
Anything else?
No response