[SOLVED], Must have been a bad download, I re-downloaded and copied the system over and the error is gone!
Lonnie please delete this...
Running the news tutorial on save in the development environment I' am getting this ERROR.
include_once(C:\xampp\htdocs\ci4cms\system\Database/BaseResult.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
spl_autoload_register(function ($class) use ($config) { 147 if ( ! array_key_exists($class, $config)) 148 { 149 return false; 150 } 151 152 include_once $config[$class]; 153 }, true, // Throw exception 154 true // Prepend 155 ); 156 }
This looks like it has to do with the forward slash in Windows, See the forward slash Database/BaseResult.php.
If I remember correct FuelPHP had this same problem with Windows.
OS : Windows 10 Pro Build 1803
Web Server: Apache 2.4
PHP : 7.2.10