mport pandas as pd
from dash import Dash, dcc, html, Input, Output
import as px
Load the data
data = pd.read_excel('davp dashboard dataset.xlsx')
Create the Dash app
app = Dash(name)
Create a list of unique teams for dropdowns
teams = pd.unique(data[['Team1', 'Team2']].values.ravel('K')).tolist() # Get unique teams from both columns
Layout of the dashboard
app.layout = html.Div([
html.H1("T20 Cricket Data Analytics Dashboard"),
# Dropdown for Team1
options=[{'label': team, 'value': team} for team in teams],
placeholder="Select Team 1"
# Dropdown for Team2
placeholder="Select Team 2"
# Div to hold both graphs
# Graph for Winning Team
dcc.Graph(id='winning-team-graph', style={'flex': '70%'}),
# Graph for Toss Decision
dcc.Graph(id='toss-decision-graph', style={'flex': '30%'})
], style={'display': 'flex', 'width': '100%'})
Callback to update Team2 dropdown based on Team1 selection
Output('team2-dropdown', 'options'),
Input('team1-dropdown', 'value')
def set_team2_options(selected_team1):
if selected_team1 is None:
return []
# Filter data to get teams that are not the selected Team1
filtered_data = data[(data['Team1'] == selected_team1) | (data['Team2'] == selected_team1)]
team2_options = pd.unique(filtered_data[['Team1', 'Team2']].values.ravel('K'))
team2_options = [{'label': team, 'value': team} for team in team2_options if team != selected_team1]
return team2_options
Callback to update the Winning Team and Toss Decision graphs based on selections
Output('winning-team-graph', 'figure'),
Output('toss-decision-graph', 'figure'),
Input('team1-dropdown', 'value'),
Input('team2-dropdown', 'value')
def update_graph(selected_team1, selected_team2):
# Initialize figures
winning_fig ='Select Teams to See Winning Team Counts') # Placeholder figure
toss_fig = px.pie(title='Select Teams to See Toss Decision Counts') # Placeholder figure
if selected_team1 and selected_team2:
filtered_data = data[
(data['Team1'] == selected_team1) & (data['Team2'] == selected_team2)
# Create a bar plot for Winning Team
if not filtered_data.empty:
win_counts = filtered_data['Winning_Team'].value_counts().reset_index()
win_counts.columns = ['Winning_Team', 'Count']
winning_fig =, x='Winning_Team', y='Count', title='Winning Team Counts')
# Create a pie plot for Toss Decision
toss_counts = filtered_data['Toss_Decision'].value_counts().reset_index()
toss_counts.columns = ['Toss_Decision', 'Count']
toss_fig = px.pie(toss_counts, names='Toss_Decision', values='Count', title='Toss Decision Counts')
return winning_fig, toss_fig
Run the app
if name == 'main':