While a spring-boot-starter like cxf-spring-boot-starter generally only serves as a Maven dependency, something that will be executed in the build-section is not delivered in such a way. But the generation of JAX-B Classfiles is a good candidate to run inside the build-process - so the resulting files aren´t checked into source control system. The configuration e.g. of the jaxws-maven-plugin is rather complex to work properly and one has to do some research, till all necessary configuration parameters are set properly (something like this has to be done - just have a look into the build section of the pom).
- Generating all necessary Java-Classes using JAX-B from your WSDL/XSDs, complementing the cxf-spring-boot-starter
- This works also for complex imports of many XSD files, that inherit other XSDs themselfs
- The generated JAX-B Classfiles will be added to your projects classpath - ready to map & transform into whatever you want
- Scanning your resource-Folder for the WSDL and configuring the jaxws-maven-plugin, so that non-absolute paths will be generated into @WebServiceClient-Class
- Extract the targetNamespace from the WSDL, generate the SEI and WebServiceClient annotated classes´ package names from it & write it together with the project´s package name into a cxf-spring-boot-maven.properties to enable Complete automation of Endpoint initialization in the cxf-spring-boot-starter (documentation here)
- Put your WSDL into some folder under /src/main/resources/ OR /src/test/resources/ - and add your XSDs, so they could be imported correct (relatively)
- If you want to tweak your Namespace-Names, put a binding.xml into the same folder, where your WSDL resides
- add this plugin to your pom´s build-section:
- it will be executed, if you run a standard:
mvn clean generate-sources
(or directly):
mvn cxf-spring-boot-starter:generate
- The generated JAX-B Classfiles will be placed in target/generated-sources/wsdlimport
- made the plugin Eclipse m2e compatible (see stackoverflow:eclipse-m2e-lifecycle and https://wiki.eclipse.org/M2E_compatible_maven_plugins, so no Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration”-Error should accur anymore
- non-absolute paths will be generated into @WebService and @WebServiceClient-Classes (so that one can initialize the Apache CXF endpoint 100% contract-first)
- use jaxws:wsimport-test for testrun