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You can deposit for other users really small amount to DoS them #143



Lines of code

Vulnerability details


Deposit and mint under LiquidityPool lack access control, which enables any user to proceed the mint/deposit for another user. Attacker can deposit (this does not require tokens) some wai before users TX to DoS the deposit.

Proof of Concept

deposit and mint do processDeposit/processMint which are the secondary functions to the requests. These function do not take any value in the form of tokens, but only send shares to the receivers. This means they can be called for free.

With this an attacker who wants to DoS a user, can wait him to make the request to deposit and on the next epoch front run him by calling deposit with something small like 1 wei. Afterwards when the user calls deposit, his TX will inevitable revert, as he will not have enough balance for the full deposit.

Tools Used

Manual review.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Have some access control modifiers like withApproval used also in redeem.

-    function deposit(uint256 assets, address receiver) public returns (uint256 shares)  {
+    function deposit(uint256 assets, address receiver) public returns (uint256 shares) withApproval(receiver) {
        shares = investmentManager.processDeposit(receiver, assets);
        emit Deposit(address(this), receiver, assets, shares);

-    function mint(uint256 shares, address receiver) public returns (uint256 assets) {
+    function mint(uint256 shares, address receiver) public returns (uint256 assets) withApproval(receiver) {
        assets = investmentManager.processMint(receiver, shares);
        emit Deposit(address(this), receiver, assets, shares);

Assessed type

Access Control



No one assigned


    2 (Med Risk)Assets not at direct risk, but function/availability of the protocol could be impacted or leak valueM-05bugSomething isn't workingprimary issueHighest quality submission among a set of duplicatesselected for reportThis submission will be included/highlighted in the audit reportsponsor confirmedSponsor agrees this is a problem and intends to fix it (OK to use w/ "disagree with severity")sufficient quality reportThis report is of sufficient quality


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