Gazebo Go is a general purpose golang library that encapsulates a set of common functionalities for a webserver.
Gazebo Go provides a set of features to help with web server development. It is a set of tools that were chosen to solve different problems in fuelserver and cloudsim packages.
- A custom router based on the gorilla/mux package.
- A thread-safe concurrent queue based on the enriquebris/goconcurrentqueue package.
- A scheduler to set jobs to be executed at certain dates, based on the ignitionrobotics/web/scheduler package.
- A custom logger based on the default log package but including a rollbar implementation.
- An error handler with a list of default and custom error messages.
Name: "Route example",
Description: "Route description example",
URI: "/example",
Headers: gz.AuthHeadersRequired,
Methods: gz.Methods{
Type: "GET",
Description: "Get all the examples",
Handlers: gz.FormatHandlers{
Extension: "",
Handler: gz.JSONResult(/* Your method handler in here */),
SecureMethods: gz.SecureMethods{
Type: "POST",
Description: "Creates a new example",
Handlers: gz.FormatHandlers{
Extension: "",
Handler: gz.JSONResult(/* Your secure method handler in here */),
func main() {
queue := gz.NewQueue()
if v, err := queue.DequeueOrWaitForNextElement(); err == nil {
func main() {
s := scheduler.GetInstance()
s.DoAt(example, time.Now().Add(5*time.Second))
func example() {
fmt.Println("Scheduled task")
go get
There are many ways to contribute to Gazebo Go.
- Reviewing the source code changes.
- Report new bugs.
- Suggest new packages that we should consider including.
- IGN_SSL_CERT: Path to an SSL certificate file. This is used for local SSL testing and development.
- IGN_SSL_KEY: Path to an SSL key. THis is used for local SSL testing and development
- IGN_DB_USERNAME: Username for the database connection.
- IGN_DB_PASSWORD: Password for the database connection.
- IGN_DB_ADDRESS: URL address for the database server.
- IGN_DB_NAME: Name of the database to use on the database sever.
- IGN_DB_LOG: Controls whether or not database transactions generate log output. Set to true to enable database logging. This environment variable is optional, and database logging will default to off expect for tests.
- IGN_DB_MAX_OPEN_CONNS: Max number of open connections in connections pool. A value <= 0 means unlimited connections. Tip: You can learn max_connections of your mysql by running this query: SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "max_connections";
- IGN_GA_TRACKING_ID: Google Analytics Tracking ID to use. If not set, then GA will not be enabled. The format is UA-XXXX-Y.
- IGN_GA_APP_NAME: Google Analytics Application Name. If not set, then GA will not be enabled.
- IGN_GA_CAT_PREFIX: (optional) A string to use as a prefix to Google Analytics Event Category.
- IGN_ROLLBAR_TOKEN: (optional) Rollbar authentication token. If valid, then log messages will be sent to It is recommended NOT to use rollbar during local development.
- IGN_ROLLBAR_ENV: (optional) Rollbar environment string, such as "staging" or "production".
- IGN_ROLLBAR_ROOT: (optional) Path to the application code root, not including the final slash. Such as
- IGN_LOGGER_LOG_STDOUT: (optional) Controls whether or not logs will be also sent to stdout/err. If missing, a false value will be used.