package is a implementation of the
co-log-core logging based on
the polysemy extensible
effects library.
is compatible with the following GHC
versions - supported versions
In order to start using co-log-polysemy
in your project, you
will need to set it up with these easy steps:
Add the dependency on
in your project's.cabal
file. For this, you should modify thebuild-depends
section according to the below section:build-depends: base ^>= LATEST_SUPPORTED_BASE , co-log-core ^>= LATEST_VERSION , polysemy ^>= LATEST_VERSION
To use this package, refer to the below example
module Main (main) where import Prelude hiding (log) import Polysemy (Member, Sem, runM) import Colog.Core.IO (logStringStdout) import Colog.Polysemy (Log, log, runLogAction) example :: Member (Log String) r => Sem r () example = do log @String "First message..." log @String "Second message..." main :: IO () main = runM $ runLogAction @IO logStringStdout example