This gem makes it possible to make text appear in color in command line interface programs. This readme contains guidance on how to install, use, and uninstall this gem.
colors available:
- red
- green
- yellow
- blue
- pink
- light blue
- white
- light grey
- black
Two methods are created by this gem:
1. COLORS - Prints our an array of all supported colors and their numerical values. To use this method, enter:
2. SAMPLE COLORS - This method is also for illustrative purposes and returns a phrase in the color being sampled for each of the colors available. To use this method, enter:
To install this gem, enter one of the following, depending on your configuration:
gem install Colorizr-0.1.0.gem
sudo gem install Colorizr-0.1.0.gem
To uninstall, enter:
gem uninstall Colorizr-0.1.0.gem
If you would like to understand more about how these colors are being generated, the following links may prove helpful:
Tips for coloring and formatting in BASH
This document was last updated April 2016.