JsonSkippable is an F# library for use with Newtonsoft.Json that allows you to easily differentiate between null and omitted JSON properties in a simple and strongly typed manner, for both serialization and deserialization.
For optimal effect, use it together with a library that allows you to serialize option
as null
, such as Microsoft.FSharpLu.Json. You can also use FSharp.JsonSkippable on its own just to control the presence of properties when serializing and deserializing.
This library defines the following type:
type Skippable<'T> =
| Skip
| Include of 'T
as well as a module with helper methods (Skippable.map
, Skippable.bind
, etc.) and a Newtonsoft.Json ContractResolver
that manages the serialization and deserialization of the Skippable
You can define your serializable types like this to have full control of whether to include or exclude properties:
type Example =
{ A: int option Skippable
B: bool option Skippable }
// Where you set up serialization
open Newtonsoft.Json
let settings =
ContractResolver =
let serialize x = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(x, settings)
let deserialize<'a> x = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<'a>(x, settings)
// Where you define and use your types
open FSharp.JsonSkippable
type Example =
{ A: int option Skippable
B: bool option Skippable }
// Example of serialization
let x1 = { A = Include (Some 2); B = Include (Some true) }
let x1s = serialize x1 // {"A":2,"B":true}
let x2 = { A = Include None; B = Skip }
let x2s = serialize x2 // {"A":null}
// Example of deserialization
let x1' = deserialize<Example> x1s
x1' = x1 // true
let x2' = deserialize<Example> x2s
x2' = x2 // true
// You can then pattern match on the members like you'd expect
match x1'.A with
| Include (Some i) -> ... // A was an int
| Include None -> ... // A was null
| Skip -> ... // A was not present