This demos a process to build CircleCI compatible containers for use in CircleCI Enterprise. We love feedback - please reach out!
The repo uses Docker for building containers. The instructions assumes basic familiarity with Docker. Docker docs is a good resource to get started
There are multiple workflow for building a container, and it depends on the level of customizations:
If you want to tweak containers to simply add new package or new customizations, you can use our published containers as your base.
For doing so, you can create a Dockerfile with the appropriate customizations:
FROM circleci/build-image:latest
# You can use some basic tools, using the `circleci-install` helper function
# for tools, CircleCI supports
RUN circleci-install ruby 2.2.1
RUN circleci-install scala
# You can add custom files
ADD my-custom-root-ca.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/my-custom-root-ca.crt
RUN update-ca-certificates
And then you can build it as you would typically do (i.e. docker build -t my-container:0.3 .
Another common tweak is removing packages/tools that you don't use. For example, if you don't have Android projects, you should remove the lines that install Android SDKs from the Dockerfile. We encourage you to install only what you need because having a smaller container image will give you many benefits such as faster container start up time.
With this workflow, you will be basing your container on CircleCI published container image, speeding up creation process. When CircleCI publishes new container image, you can rebuild your image and Docker will pick up the latest published version.
If you need to customize the image by starting from a clean slate, and/or require significant changes, e.g. different MySQL version, or MariaDB rather than MySQL, then the recommended path is to fork the repo and apply your changes, then build the Docker image.
Please note, that this repo uses circleci/ubuntu-server
as the base image.
It uses the official Ubuntu Server image (rather than Ubuntu Core, the default
ubuntu in DockerHub), tweaks slightly so Upstart can work with Docker.
It's recommended that you fork this repo rather than start from scratch for the following benefits:
- Ensure that CircleCI specific required customizations (e.g. xvfb) is correctly applied
- Have a mechanism to pick up later tweaks and improvements by merging the repo - rather than merging them manually later
- Reuse the custom provisioning framework that we are building to ease installation
- Have a mechanism to push your changes/tweaks back to us
If you have a significant infrastructure using custom provisioners, e.g. Chef/Ansible/SaltStack, please reach out to us private. The exact instructions are beyond the scope of this documentation.
In a very high level, we would recommend using Packer and Packer's Docker Builder.
So you built the container successfully! Congrats. How can you test it?
You can use the common Docker techniques for launching a container and connecting to it.
The workflow, I adopt is the following:
host $ # build the image and name it `example-image`
host $ docker build -t example-image .
host $ # Start it - but enable ssh and mount a sample test project
host $ docker run -d \
-p 22 -v ~/.ssh/ \ # To allow for ssh
-v hello-world-project:/home/ubuntu/hello-world-project \ # mount a sample project
--name example-image-tester \
host $ # Now ssh into the container. This depends whether you are using Docker natively or through docker-machine
host $ # With native docker
host $ CONTAINER_SSH_PORT=$(docker inspect --format='{{(index (index .NetworkSettings.Ports "22/tcp") 0).HostPort}}' example-image-tester)
host $ # If using docker-machine, need to connect to the docker-machine ip address
host $ CONTAINER_SSH_HOST=$(docker-machine ip default) # or set to if using Docker natively on a Linux box
host $
host $ ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -p $CONTAINER_SSH_PORT ubuntu@${CONTAINER_SSH_HOST}
docker $
docker $ # now you are in Docker and the build - run any tests you need
docker $ cd example-image-test
docker $ # Run any custom test steps you need, e.g. for a node project it will be
docker $ npm install
docker $ npm test
docker $
docker $ $ also can run any sanity checks, e.g. ensure postgres is running
ubuntu@22b220709b03:~$ psql
psql (9.4.5)
Type "help" for help.
ubuntu=# ;; psql is running
ubuntu=# ;; psql is running
ubuntu-# \quit
We also have unit tests written in bats. The tests are written to make sure tools/services installed in Dockerfile works correctly.
If you write a Dockerfile to customize the container image, you can easily add/remove test bats files under tests/unit
Here is how you can run the unit tests.
# Pull the latest circleci/build-image:scratch (only necessary when you want to test against the latest build image)
docker pull circleci/build-image:scratch
# Build a test image.
docker build -t test-image tests/
# Run a test container with ssh port-forwarding
docker run -d -v <path-to-image-builder>/tests:/home/ubuntu/tests -p 13939:22 --name test-container test-image
# Get the IP address of docker-machine VM
export CONTAINER_SSH_HOST=$(docker-machine ip <your-docker-vm>)
# Run tests via ssh
ssh -i tests/insecure-ssh-key -p 13939 ubuntu@$CONTAINER_SSH_HOST bats tests/unit
ok 1 nodejs: all versions are installed
ok 2 nodejs: 0.12.9 works
ok 3 nodejs: 4.0.0 works
ok 4 nodejs: 4.1.2 works
ok 5 nodejs: 4.2.6 works
ok 6 nodejs: 4.3.0 works
ok 7 nodejs: 5.0.0 works
ok 8 nodejs: 5.1.1 works
Once you gain confidence in the image you just created, you can start pushing it to new builds.
You must configure CircleCI Enterprise builders to point to the container
image. You can do so, by passing additional environment variable in your
launch configuration: CIRCLE_CONTAINER_IMAGE_URI
Currently, builders can only support public http or S3 uris (e.g.
. Future releases will support docker
URIs (e.g. docker://acme-org/circleci-test-image:0.0.1
). For the timebeing,
we suggest exporting the container and uploading it to S3.
Assuming you have the official aws-cli client, you can export the container and upload it to a bucket of your choice. Ideally, it's located in the same region as the builders, and you can reuse the bucket that got created for the CCIE installation ':
(note: this uses the included docker-export
, which is different than docker export
$ ./docker-export example-image > example-image_0.0.1.tar.gz
$ aws s3 cp ./example-image_0.0.1.tar.gz s3://circleci-enterprise-bucket/containers/example-image_0.0.1.tar.gz
Once uploaded, attempt to start a new builder configured with
Try running new builds on it. Once it's all good, update the AutoScalingGroup
Launch configuration to use the environment variable as well.