Is there an existing issue for this?
- I have searched the existing issues
Hue Importer:
While using importer feature in Hue we are getting an error saying "Table already exist" even if the table does not exist.
Presto/Trino import to table:
The issue is also observed while trying to use "Import to table" option for Presto/Trino tables and for hive we are able to create new tables using import to table.
Does Trino/ Presto support "Import to table"?
Tested this behavior in multiple EMR versions with the most up to date Hue version and it does not work in any of them:
EMR 5.3, EMR 5.33, EMR 5.25, EMR 6.4, EMR 6.15, EMR 7.3
Steps To Reproduce
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and launch an EMR cluster of version5.30+ with Hue, Hive, Presto/Trino services
Once the cluster is ready, login to Hue Ul by enabling SSH tunneling to master
Hue Importer
3. Now click on "Importer" located at the left hand side of the Hue options.
4.Now in Source select Type as "File" or "External Database".
- If the Type is selected as "File" pick a file from either from s3 or from HDFS and
then click o n next.
If the selected Type is "External Database" configure the database details and
click on "NEXT"
Refer below screenshot for reference
No response
Hue version