Tool to gather information from systems using Ansible.
Now, clone the github repository
$ git clone
Create a branch
$ git branch my_special_enhancement
$ git checkout !$
Make your changes and then commit them using the instructions below.
$ git add /path/to/files/changed
$ git commit -m "your commit title"
Use a descriptive commit title followed by an empty space. You should type a small justification of what you are changing and why.
Then submit a PR through UI
Before submitting code, you should do at least some minimal local
testing, like running tox -e linters
. This could be automated if you
activate pre-commit <>
__ hooks
$ pip install --user pre-commit
# to enable automatic run on commit:
$ pre-commit install --install-hooks
# to uninstall hooks
$ pre-commit uninstall
Please note that the pre-commit feature is available only on repositories that
do have .pre-commit-config.yaml <>
__ file.
Running tox -e linters
is recommended as it may include additional linting
commands than just pre-commit. So, if you run tox you don't need to run
pre-commit manually.
Implementation of pre-commit is very fast and saves a lot of disk space because internally it does cache any linter-version and reuses it between repositories, as opposed to tox which uses environments unique to each repository (usually more than one). Also by design pre-commit always pins linters, making less like to break code because linter released new version.
Another reason why pre-commit is very fast is because it runs only
on modified files. You can force it to run on the entire repository via
pre-commit run -a
Upgrading linters is done via pre-commit autoupdate
but this should be
done only as a separate change request.
If you want to make another patchset from the same commit you can use the amend feature after further modification and saving.
$ git add /path/to/files/changed
$ git commit --amend
$ git push -f
Stockpile uses Red Hat Ansible to collect system information. To add to the Stockpile, the user must create a new Anbile role that defines what they are looking to capture.
Let's say for example you wanted to capture all the interface drivers on the SUT -- not particularly useful since this fact already exists. However, for the sake of the example, bear with me.
In order to create a new set of information to stockpile, create the Ansible role directory, roles/example
For this work, we just need to create the tasks, so in roles/example/tasks/main.yml add the relevant tasks.
Please make sure that you follow the below mentioned norms:
- Never use set_fact more than once in your role(per playbook).
- Use register to set your vars and not set_fact.
- Use set_fact at the end to build the dictionary according to the required hierarchy.
- Prefix the dictionary with "stockpile_".
- Don't try to build the dictionary using the vars directly, lets say if you run a shell command to set var1, while building dictionary use var1.stdout
- Make sure to add conditions in the roles in order to ensure that the data is collected only if the intended component is installed.
Please look at the example below:
- name: run the shell command
shell: whoami
register: var1
## Rest of the role where you collect info and use register to set vars
- name: set the collected info as facts
var_1: "{{ var1.stdout }}"
when: ( role_installed.rc == 0 )
For the role hierarchy, a good example would be to look at openshift roles: Please read below on how 'hierarchy' should be named:
Following is how the role openshift-cluster-topology collects facts:
- name: set the collected info as facts
running_pods_count: "{{ ocp_running_pods.stdout | from_json | json_query('items[].status.phase') | length }}"
compute_count: "{{ ocp_compute_count.stdout }}"
master_count: "{{ ocp_master_count.stdout }}"
etcd_count: "{{ ocp_master_count.stdout }}"
cluster_network_plugin: "{{ ocp_network_plugin.stdout | from_json | json_query('items[].pluginName') }}"
client_version: "{{ oc_client_version.stdout }}"
server_version: "{{ oc_server_version.stdout }}"
user: "{{ ocp_user.stdout }}"
when: ( oc_installed.rc == 0 and kubeconfig.stat.exists == True )
By naming the var stockpile_openshift_cluster_topology, the variable is self explanatory about what it's collecting. Also if there's a new role that needs to be added later for cluster performance, it's var can be named stockpile_openshift_cluster_perf
A bad example would be naming var as stockpile_openshift_cluster unless you're confident that everything related to openshift_cluster will be collected as part of the role openshift_cluster.
# Capture the data you are interested in
- name: "my example name"
shell: "ethtool -i {{item}} | grep driver | awk -F: '{print $2}'"
with_items: "{{ ansible_interfaces }}"
register: interface_drivers
# Easy way to create a YAML that we will translate into a dict
- set_fact:
__dict: |
{% for item in interface_drivers.results %}
{{item.item}}: "{{item.stdout}}"
{% endfor %}
# Store the data using the role_name as the key.
- name: "Store example data"
stockpile_example: "{{__dict|from_yaml}}"
Once Stockpile completes, it will create * metadata/machine_facts.json *
Example output of the above Example role:
"stockpile_example": {
"docker0": " bridge",
"enp6s0": " sky2",
"enp7s0": " sky2",
"lo": "",
"tun0": " tun",
"veth2d88dbd": " veth",
"virbr0": " bridge",
"virbr0-nic": " tun"
For this work, we just need to create the tasks, so in roles/example2/tasks/main.yaml
# Capture the data you are interested in
- name: "crontab shell"
shell: "cat /etc/crontab | grep SHELL | awk -F = '{print $2}'"
register: crontab_shell
- name: "crontab mailto"
shell: "cat /etc/crontab | grep MAILTO | awk -F = '{print $2}'"
register: crontab_mailto
- name: "Store the crontab config"
- crontab_shell : "{{ crontab_shell.stdout }}"
- crontab_mailto: "{{ crontab_mailto.stdout }}"
Example output
"stockpile_example2": [
"crontab_shell": "/bin/bash"
"crontab_mailto": "root"
We are not worried about the structure this currently creates. That is for Scribe to break down.
The roles can be imported to Ansible Galaxy using the script like:
$ ./ <github_token> <github_user> <github_repo> [galaxy_server_url]
The galaxy_server_url is set to by default if not defined by the user.
The stockpile roles can be pulled/installed from Ansible Galaxy using:
$ mazer -s --roles-path=<roles_path> install <github_user> <github_repo>
If roles_path is not defined, then the roles will be installed under the default ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH which is /etc/ansible/roles or the path specified in the ansible.cfg.