NOTE: Pointers to our latest version of the curriculum can be found in the installfest repo!
- Have coffee/water/breakfast, mingle
- Welcome! Overview...
- Background on ClojureBridge
- What we hope you get out of ClojureBridge
- Thank our sponsors!
- Format for each module
- Present slides for each module
- Update the related code to our chat application
- Work through the module exercise in small groups
- Advanced: Go through related Community Docs sections
- Lightning talk
- Go around the room, everyone introduce yourselves
- How did you hear about ClojureBridge?
- Why is this important to you?
- Module 1: Introduction to Programming with Clojure
- Updating our chat application: Set up your app
- Exercise for Module 1
- Advanced: community docs: comment, types, def, Easy Web Application by Compojure
- Module 2: More Simple Values
- Updating our chat application: Say hello to yourself
- Exercise for Module 2
- Advanced: community docs: string, truthiness, Basic Web Application by Ring
- Module 3: Data Structures
- Updating our chat application: Write some html with Hiccup
- Exercise for Module 3
- Advanced: community docs: vector, list, set, namespace, HTML generation by Hiccup
- Module 4: Functions
- Updating our chat application: Add a form
- Exercise for Module 4
- Advanced: community docs: basics of function, map, reduce, SQL Database - Apache Derby
- Module 5: Flow Control
- Updating our chat application: Add some flow control
- Exercise for Module 5
- Advanced: community docs: if, cond, case, let, destructuring, function with let/destructuring
- Module 6: More Data Structures
- Updating our chat application: Maps
- Exercise for Module 6
- Advanced: community docs: map, lazy-seq
- Module 7: More Functions
- Updating our chat application: Store and display messages
- Exercise for Module 7
- Advanced: community docs: anonymous function, higher-order function, filter, for, loop, recur, trampoline
- Module-8 (extra credit) Putting your application online with Heroku
- Next Steps: You are now part of the Clojure Community!
- User group meetings:
- Related local events
- More learning resources
- After Module 1 4clojure
- After Module 2 clojurekoans
- After Module 4 Women in Open Source Software
- After Module 5 Immutability
- After Module 6 Parallelism
ClojureBridge Curriculum by ClojureBridge is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.