- Greenville, SC
- @clmsnskr
Swimming Pool Automation Systen with Raspberry Pi + Home Assistant
DataLoader is a generic utility to be used as part of your application's data fetching layer to provide a consistent API over various backends and reduce requests to those backends via batching andβ¦
π§ββοΈ Move Fast and Break Nothing. End-to-end typesafe APIs made easy.
useStateHistory custom hook for React 16.7.0-alpha.0 - next
π©π»βπ« Learn Apollo - A hands-on tutorial for Apollo GraphQL Client (created by Graphcool)
SVG to webfont converter for Grunt
Automatic Notifications when Grunt tasks fail.
JQuery multiselect plugin based on Twitter Bootstrap.
clmsnskr / pnotify
Forked from sciactive/pnotifyThe Pines Notify jQuery plugin.
clmsnskr / fullcalendar
Forked from fullcalendar/fullcalendarFull-sized drag & drop event calendar (jQuery plugin)
clmsnskr / mustache.js
Forked from janl/mustache.jsMinimal templating with {{mustaches}} in JavaScript
clmsnskr / less.js
Forked from less/less.jsLeaner CSS, in your browser.
clmsnskr / bootstrap
Forked from twbs/bootstrapHTML, CSS, and JS toolkit from Twitter
textmate bundle for linkedin/dustjs and akdubya/dustjs
The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
Beautiful JavaScript notifications with Web Notifications support.
clmsnskr / croogo
Forked from croogo/croogoA CakePHP powered Content Management System
DEPRECATED - See django-nonrel/django
It's a presentation framework based on the power of CSS3 transforms and transitions in modern browsers and inspired by the idea behind prezi.com.
The jQuery plugin for doing cool scrolly stuff. NOTE: No longer under active development. New version is ScrollMagic.js
Dust.js template auto-compiler (watches directory for changes)
DEPRECATED - See django-nonrel/django
Adds support for SQL features like JOINs to non-relational Django backends
Django tools for building nonrel backends
The LESS-to-CSS editor and compiler. Crunch 2 is now available!
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