The plugin is used to help you add vue examples when writing a document. Using this plugin, your users can easily modify your examples. With the editable functions your user can understand your example better.
- display code and examples
- real-time rendering
- only support vue
// npm
npm i vuepress-plugin-editable-demo-block
// yarn
yarn add vuepress-plugin-editable-demo-block
// docs/.vuepress/config.js
module.exports = {
plugins: [
// docs/.vuepress/enhanceApp.js
export default ({
}) => {
Vue.prototype.$editableDemoBlockCfg = {
runSuccessTip: function () { // render suncess tip function
console.log('run success');
runFailTip: function () { // // render fail tip function
this.$message.error('run fail');
copySuccessTip: () => {
console.log('copy success');
hideText: 'hide code', // tip text when code is hide
showText: 'show code', // tip text when code is show
Write the following code in the Markdown file:
::: demo
\``` <= delete start backslash
<div class="examples-button">
<p>{{ explain }}</p>
export default {
data () {
return {
explain: 'display button component'
\``` <= delete start backslash
yarn install
cd examples && yarn install && yarn dev