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Pytorch-based framework for solving parametric constrained optimization problems, physics-informed system identification, and parametric model predictive control.


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NeuroMANCER v1.3.1

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Neural Modules with Adaptive Nonlinear Constraints and Efficient Regularizations.

Authors: Aaron Tuor, Jan Drgona, Mia Skomski, Stefan Dernbach, James Koch, Zhao Chen, Christian Møldrup Legaard, Draguna Vrabie, Madelyn Shapiro

Version 1.3.1 release notes

  • New example scripts and notebooks
    • Interactive colab notebooks for testing Neuromancer functionality without setting up an environment
      • See neuromancer/examples/ for links to Colab
    • RC-Network modeling using Graph Neural Time-steppers example:
      • See neuromancer/examples/graph_timesteppers/
    • Baseline NODE dynamics modeling results for all nonautonomous systems in Python Systems Library
      • See neuromancer/examples/benchmarks/node/
    • Updated install instructions for Linux, Windows, and MAC operating systems
      • New linux_env.yml, windows_env.yml, osxarm64_env.yml files for installation of dependencies across OS
  • Corresponding releases of SLiM and PSL packages
    • Make sure to update these packages if updating Neuromancer
    • Release 1.4 will roll SLiM and PSL into core Neuromancer for ease of installation and development


The documentation for the library can be found online and in the pdf form. There is also an introduction video covering core features of the library.

# Neuromancer syntax example for differentiable parametric programming
import neuromancer as nm

# primal solution map to be trained
func = nm.blocks.MLP(insize=2, outsize=2, hsizes=[80] * 4)
sol_map = nm.maps.Map(func,
        input_keys=["a", "p"],

# problem primal variables
x = nm.constraint.variable("x")[:, [0]]
y = nm.constraint.variable("x")[:, [1]]

# sampled problem parameters
p = nm.constraint.variable('p')
a = nm.constraint.variable('a')

# nonlinear objective function
f = (1-x)**2 + a*(y-x**2)**2
obj = f.minimize(weight=1., name='obj')

# constraints
con_1 = 100*(x >= y)
con_2 = 100*((p/2)**2 <= x**2+y**2)
con_3 = 100*(x**2+y**2 <= p**2)

# create constrained optimization loss
objectives = [obj]
constraints = [con_1, con_2, con_3]
loss = nm.loss.PenaltyLoss(objectives, constraints)
# construct constrained optimization problem
components = [sol_map]
problem = nm.problem.Problem(components, loss)

UML diagram UML diagram of NeuroMANCER classes.


First clone the neuromancer, slim, and psl libraries.

user@machine:~$ git clone -b master --single-branch
user@machine:~$ git clone -b master --single-branch
user@machine:~$ git clone -b master --single-branch

Install dependencies

In many cases the following simple install should work for the specified OS


$ conda env create -f linux_env.yml
$ conda activate neuromancer


$ conda env create -f windows_env.yml
$ conda activate neuromancer
(neuromancer) $ conda install -c defaults intel-openmp -f

MacOS (Apple M1)

$ conda env create -f osxarm64_env.yml
$ conda activate neuromancer

Other operating system

!!! Pay attention to comments for non-Linux OS !!!

$ conda create -n neuromancer python=3.10.4
$ conda activate neuromancer
(neuromancer) $ conda install pytorch pytorch-cuda=11.6 -c pytorch -c nvidia
## OR (for Mac): conda install pytorch -c pytorch
(neuromancer) $ conda config --append channels conda-forge
(neuromancer) $ conda install scipy numpy matplotlib scikit-learn pandas dill mlflow pydot=1.4.2 pyts numba
(neuromancer) $ conda install networkx=3.0 plum-dispatch 
(neuromancer) $ conda install -c anaconda pytest hypothesis
(neuromancer) $ conda install cvxpy cvxopt casadi seaborn imageio
(neuromancer) $ conda install tqdm torchdiffeq
## (for Windows): conda install -c defaults intel-openmp -f

Install neuromancer ecosystem

(neuromancer) $ cd psl; python develop
(neuromancer) $ cd ../slim; python develop
(neuromancer) $ cd ../neuromancer; python develop

Test NeuroMANCER install

Run pytest on the test folder. It should take about 2 minutes to run the tests on CPU. There will be a lot of warnings that you can safely ignore. These warnings will be cleaned up in a future release.


For detailed examples of NeuroMANCER usage for control, system identification, and parametric programming as well as tutorials for basic usage, see the scripts in the examples folder.


Contributing examples

If you have an example of using NeuroMANCER to solve an interesting problem, or of using NeuroMANCER in a unique way, we would love to see it incorporated into our current library of examples. To submit an example, create a folder for your example/s in the example folder if there isn't currently and applicable folder and place either your executable python file or notebook file there. Push your code back to github and then submit a pull request. Please make sure to note in a comment at the top of your code if there are additional dependencies to run your example and how to install those dependencies.

Contributing code

We welcome contributions to NeuroMANCER. Please accompany contributions with some lightweight unit tests via pytest (see test/ folder for some examples of easy to compose unit tests using pytest). In addition to unit tests a script utilizing introduced new classes or modules should be placed in the examples folder. To contribute a new feature please submit a pull request.

Reporting issues or bugs

If you find a bug in the code or want to request a new feature, please open an issue.

NeuroMANCER development plan

Here are some upcoming features we plan to develop. Please let us know if you would like to get involved and contribute so we may be able to coordinate on development. If there is a feature that you think would be highly valuable but not included below, please open an issue and let us know your thoughts.

  • Faster dynamics modeling via Torchscript
  • Control and modelling for networked systems
  • Easy to implement modeling and control with uncertainty quantification
  • Online learning examples
  • Benchmark examples of DPC compared to deep RL
  • Conda and pip package distribution
  • CVXPY-like interface for optimization via Problem.solve method
  • More versatile and simplified time series dataloading
  • Pytorch Lightning trainer compatibility
  • Discovery of governing equations from learned RHS via NODEs and SINDy


Cite as

  title={{NeuroMANCER: Neural Modules with Adaptive Nonlinear Constraints and Efficient Regularizations}},
  author={Tuor, Aaron and Drgona, Jan and Skomski, Mia and Koch, James and Chen, Zhao and Dernbach, Stefan and Legaard, Christian Møldrup and Vrabie, Draguna},
  Url= {}, 


This research was partially supported by the Mathematics for Artificial Reasoning in Science (MARS) and Data Model Convergence (DMC) initiatives via the Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) investments at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), by the U.S. Department of Energy, through the Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research's “Data-Driven Decision Control for Complex Systems (DnC2S)” project, and through the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Building Technologies Office under the “Dynamic decarbonization through autonomous physics-centric deep learning and optimization of building operations” and the “Advancing Market-Ready Building Energy Management by Cost-Effective Differentiable Predictive Control” projects. PNNL is a multi-program national laboratory operated for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) by Battelle Memorial Institute under Contract No. DE-AC05-76RL0-1830.

Prior release notes

Version 1.3 release notes

  • Tutorial YouTube videos to accompany tutorial scripts in examples folder:
  • Closed loop control policy learning examples with Neural Ordinary Differential Equations
    • examples/control/
  • Closed loop control policy learning example with Linear State Space Models.
    • examples/control/
  • New class for Linear State Space Models (LSSM)
    • LinearSSM in
  • Refactored closed loop control policy simulations
  • Interfaces for open and closed loop simulation (evaluation after training) for several classes
    • Dynamics
    • Estimator
    • Policy
    • Constraint
    • PSL Emulator classes
  • New class for closed-loop policy learning of non-autonomous ODE systems
    • ControlODE class in
  • Added support for NODE systems
    • Torchdiffeq integration with fast adjoint method for NODE optimization


Pytorch-based framework for solving parametric constrained optimization problems, physics-informed system identification, and parametric model predictive control.







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  • Jupyter Notebook 44.2%
  • Python 43.7%
  • Cuda 7.7%
  • C++ 4.3%
  • MATLAB 0.1%
  • Batchfile 0.0%