I found a blog post describing step-by-step how to upgrate to current 8.8 version of Drupal. I tested this locally and upgrade worked as supposed. In addition, I then also updated the remaining modules and fixed/removed our list of appended patches. All went well and CSIS seems to be running stable without any side-effects (I will further test the CSIS today). I suppose we can do the upgrade tomorrow.
- upgrade Core to 8.8 as described in blog post (step 1 can be skipped, step 3 should be executed completely)
- DONE update the
a) remove the other_view_filter patch (this patch is already included in the new module version)
b) switch to the re-created Business Rules patch for issue 3043752 - update remaining modules with:
a) composer update
b) drush updb
c) drush cr
Check the Status report to see if any problems remain.