This repository contains workflows for accelerated genomic analysis using Nvidia Clara Parabricks written in the Workflow Description Language (WDL). A WDL script is composed of Tasks, which describe a single command and its associated inputs, runtime parameters, and outputs; tasks can then be chained together via their inputs and outputs to create Workflows, which themselves take a set of inputs and produce a set of outputs.
To learn more about Nvidia Clara Parabricks see our page describing accelerated genomic analysis.
These workflows are available on Dockstore and in Terra; just search Clara Parabricks.
- fq2bam : Align reads with Clara Parabricks' accelerated version of BWA mem.
- bam2fq2bam: Extract FASTQ files from a BAM file and realign them to produce a new BAM file on a different reference.
- germline_calling: Run accelerated GATK HaplotypeCaller and/or accelerated DeepVariant to produce germline VCF or gVCF files for a single sample.
- create_pon: Generate a Panel-of-Normals file for use with accelerated Mutect2.
- somatic_calling: Run accelerated Mutect2 on a matched tumor-normal sample pair to generate a somatic VCF.
- RNA: Run accelerated RNA-seq alignment using STAR.
- trio_de_novo_calling: Run accelerated germline calling for a trio sample set before joint calling and filtering for putative de novo mutations.
- deepvariant-retraining: Retrain the DeepVariant model on a custom dataset generated from a .bam
All pipelines in this repository have been validated using WOMtool and tested to run using Cromwell.
The current Cromwell releases require a modern (>= v1.10) Java implementation. We have tested Cromwell through version 80 on both Oracle Java and OpenJDK. For Ubuntu 20.04, the following command will install a sufficient Java runtime:
sudo apt install default-jdk
Cromwell and WOMTool are available from the Release page on Cromwell's GitHub.
To download Cromwell and WOMTool, the following commands should work:
## Update the version as needed
export version=81
We recommend test data provided by Google Brain's Public Sequencing project. The HG002 FASTQ files can be downloaded with the following commands:
mkdir test_data
cd test_data
There are example JSON input slugs in the example_inputs
directory. To run your first workflow, you can edit the minimal inputs file (fq2bam.minimalInputs.json
). If you want
more advanced control over inputs or need additional ones you can modify the full inputs file (fq2bam.fullInputs.json
All workflows in this repository are available on Terra. If you don't have a local Parabricks installation or don't want to configure your own cloud / HPC environment, consider running on Terra.
The workflows in this repository are also available on Dockstore, where they can be exported to your Terra, AnVIL, or DNANexus workspace.
The following example will run the fq2bam command on a local machine with a Clara Parabricks installation at /usr/local/parabricks/
## Create the inputs file, removing optional inputs
java -jar ../womtool-81.jar inputs ../wdl/fq2bam.wdl | grep -v "optional" > inputs.local.json
Then, edit the inputs file to contain the proper values and remove any trailing commas:
"ClaraParabricks_fq2bam.inputFASTQ_2": "chr22.HG002.hiseqx.pcr-free.30x.R2.fastq.gz",
"ClaraParabricks_fq2bam.pbLicenseBin": "/usr/local/parabricks/license.bin",
"ClaraParabricks_fq2bam.inputKnownSitesTBI": "chr22.Mills_1000G_known_indels.vcf.gz.tbi",
"ClaraParabricks_fq2bam.inputRefTarball": "chr22.Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta.tar",
"ClaraParabricks_fq2bam.inputKnownSites": "chr22.Mills_1000G_known_indels.vcf.gz",
"ClaraParabricks_fq2bam.inputFASTQ_1": "chr22.HG002.hiseqx.pcr-free.30x.R1.fastq.gz",
"ClaraParabricks_fq2bam.pbPATH": "/usr/local/parabricks/pbrun"
To run using a local installation, we'll use the local.wdl.conf
configuration, which
configures Cromwell to use a local Parabricks installation:
java -Dconfig.file=../config_wdl/local.wdl.conf -jar ../cromwell-81.jar run -i inputs.local.json ../wdl/fq2bam.wdl
Next, we'll run the same workflow on Google Cloud There are a few major changes that need to be made to run a workflow on Google Cloud:
- Copy inputs and license to a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket
- Edit the inputs to reflect the location of the inputs in GCS.
- The inputs must contain a valid Docker image for Parabricks
The following commands should be sufficient assuming you have the Google Cloud SDK installed:
## Create a google bucket
gsutil mb test-project-bucket
## Copy inputs to the bucket
gsutil cp chr22.Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta.tar gs://test-project-bucket/
gsutil cp chr22.Mills_1000G_known_indels.vcf.gz gs://test-project-bucket/
gsutil cp chr22.Mills_1000G_known_indels.vcf.gz.tbi gs://test-project-bucket/
gsutil cp chr22.HG002.hiseqx.pcr-free.30x.R1.fastq.gz gs://test-project-bucket/
gsutil cp chr22.HG002.hiseqx.pcr-free.30x.R2.fastq.gz gs://test-project-bucket/
## Copy the parabricks license to the bucket
gsutil cp /usr/bin/parabricks/license.bin gs://test-project-bucket/
Next, update the inputs to reflect their position in GCS:
"ClaraParabricks_fq2bam.inputFASTQ_2": "gs://test-project-bucket/chr22.HG002.hiseqx.pcr-free.30x.R2.fastq.gz",
"ClaraParabricks_fq2bam.pbLicenseBin": "gs://test-project-bucket/license.bin",
"ClaraParabricks_fq2bam.inputKnownSitesTBI": "gs://test-project-bucket/chr22.Mills_1000G_known_indels.vcf.gz.tbi",
"ClaraParabricks_fq2bam.inputRefTarball": "gs://test-project-bucket/chr22.Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta.tar",
"ClaraParabricks_fq2bam.inputKnownSites": "gs://test-project-bucket/chr22.Mills_1000G_known_indels.vcf.gz",
"ClaraParabricks_fq2bam.inputFASTQ_1": "gs://test-project-bucket/chr22.HG002.hiseqx.pcr-free.30x.R1.fastq.gz",
"ClaraParabricks_fq2bam.pbPATH": "pbrun",
"ClaraParabricks_fq2bam.pbDocker": "clara-parabricks/clara-parabricks-cloud:3.7.0"
You'll need to update the gcp_template.wdl.conf
file in the config
directory with your project and bucket. Once that's done, save the file as config/gcp.wdl.conf
Then, you can launch using the GCP Configuration in the config
java -Dconfig.file=config_wdl/gcp.wdl.conf -jar cromwell-81.jar run -i inputs.local.json wdl/fq2bam.wdl
This repository serves both as a set of pre-configured workflows and a set of building blocks for generating your own wokrflows incorporating Clara Parabricks. See
All workflows in this repository support WDL version 1.0. Support for some WDL features varies by the backend used for a given run.
Support for WDL features:
- Call Caching: call caching is not tested on this repository, but should be functional. See the Cromwell docs for how to enable call caching.
- Automatic parallelization: WDL supports running tasks that are independent in the execution DAG in parallel. This feature is supported on the
backends. This feature is disabled by default for thelocal
backends. To enable this feature, modify themaxForks
variable in the corresponding config file. Note: users should adjust thread counts for individual tools to ensure they do not oversubscribe their system when running with maxForks > 1. - Imports: This repository supports GitHub-style imports of tasks / workflows. However, this feature is not supported by Nvidia and no guarantee of functionality or maintenance is provided. We recommend forking this repository and maintaining your own stable branch for imports should you desire to use this feature.
- Terra: All workflows in this repository will run on Terra. Search for Clara Parabricks on Terra for the latest version.
- Backends: While we only support the backends listed in
, other backends may work with minimal adjustement. This compatibility is not guaranteed or tested unless otherwise noted.
Please see for more information about requirements for WDL contributions to this repo.
To validate your WDL, you can run make validate
. To use a custom WOMtool (i.e., if womtool-82.jar is not in the local directory), you can run make validate WOMTOOL=/path/to/womtool-<version>.jar
To set the parabricks docker container to the default:
make set_docker
to set it to a custom image:
make set_docker PBDOCKER="<repo>/<image>[:<tag>]`
You can validate all the WDLs in this repo's wdl
directory by running make validate
. To use a specific path to womtool, run make validate WOMTOOL=/path/to/womtool-<version>.jar