TL;DR: Many cases I was able to cover on the model side. However, the conversion from the model to the view is a little buggy (the fourth issue).
- Empty undo step when executing commands in order:
. Can't be reproduced. Works fine.
The value is being read from the list parent element (ul
) during the upcast conversion. Executing it with the low priority ensures that the element is always correct. If a list has not specified the list-style-type
value, the default one will be used. It works.
But the solution isn't perfect. When you add a todo-list item, the attribute still is present in the model. I used a post-fixer to delete the attribute (listStyle
) for all todo-list items.
When creating a bulleted/numbered list item then executing the todoList
command, the model state will be correct. Unfortunately, it created an empty undo step. This is my first issue.
- Integration with indent/outdent/bulleted/numbered lists command. See Follow ups with the List Style feature #7879 (comment).
- `) with the `list-style-type: decimal` and it will use numbers as list markers.
At the end of the
method, emit an event:/** * Event fired by the {@link #execute} method. * * It allows to execute an action after executing the {@link ~ListCommand#execute} method, e.g. adjusting * attributes of changed blocks. * * @event executeCleanup */ 'executeCleanup', blocks );
And attach listeners:
this.listenTo( editor.commands.get( 'bulletedList' ), 'executeCleanup', restoreDefaultListStyle( editor ) ); this.listenTo( editor.commands.get( 'numberedList' ), 'executeCleanup', restoreDefaultListStyle( editor ) ); function restoreDefaultListStyle( editor ) { return ( evt, changedItems ) => { changedItems = changedItems.filter( item => 'element', 'listItem' ) ); editor.model.change( writer => { for ( const item of changedItems ) { writer.removeAttribute( 'listStyle', item ); // setAttribute( 'listStyle', 'default', item ); } } ); }; }
The same operation you can do in the editor. It means if you used e.g unordered list with the square list-style then switched to a numbered list, the editor doesn't render any changes (only listType
has changed for listItems
The issue can be solved by restoring the default value for the listStyle
attribute on changed items.
A code snippet:
It must be done in the same model.change()
block that is used by ListCommand#execute()
(one undo step for all operations). The same event-mechanism was used when indenting/outdenting the lists. This is the second issue since I am unsure about the solution.
- Integration with the Remove format feature. Moved to another ticket: The listStyle attribute for listItem should be marked as
editor.model.schema.setAttributeProperties( 'listStyle', {
isFormatting: true
} );
However, the feature removes the attribute from the selection. If the selection is collapsed, only one list item will be changed. If non-collapsed, some items will be restored, some don't.
It won't be unified with the List style feature itself because you can apply the list style at any list item and the change will be applied to all items (that have the same indent, list type, and list style values).
At this point, I'm thinking the Remove format feature should not work with list styles (the third issue).
- Unifying the
attribute while merging two lists.
The last issue is about merging lists. Considering a structure like this:
<ul style="list-style-type: square;">
<ul style="list-style-type: disc;">
After deleting content from the paragraph, then remove the entire element, lists should not merge because they have different styles. The first idea @Reinmar had was overwriting the check whether lists should be merged. Unfortunately, it does not help.
While the first three issues aren't so urgent, they don't break the editor and everything still works and looks good, the last issue must be fixed before I'll start thinking about preparing the PR.
Originally posted by @pomek in #7801 (comment)