At Boston University I am a teaching assistant for an introductory programming class, EK127: Introduction to Engineering Computation. This class uses MATLAB to teach new students the fundamentals of computer programming. Here are some fun projects I developed as a student, a TA, and an independent thinker.
- Enigma Machine - a command-line program that simulates the cyphering operation of an enigma machine. Given the correct rotor settings a message can be encrypted or decrypted.
- A4 Protein Alzheimers Test - a tool that analyzes a long chain of DNA proteins to test for alzheimers. Operates on sample data provided by a Biomedical Engineering course at BU.
- BUSAT Data Analysis - analyzes and displays data obtained from BU's satelite team, including accelerometer and gyroscope data from several rocket launches.
- Tic Tac Toe - self explanatory.
- Simon Says - comes in two distinct flavors: vanilla and sadistic. In the sadistic version the pattern never repeats!
- Slider Puzzle - a 4x4 sliding puzzle game. The tile positions are randomized and the player must slide the tiles back into order.
- edX edge - EK127 uses the edX edge online courseware platform to present content to students. Some of this content is embedded MATLAB programming problems that instantly grade student solutions. I developed many of the problems and auto-grader scripts used for this course, as well as a parser to compress student code for consistent grading.
Slider Puzzle inspired an app development tutorial that I created for the Technology Innovation Scholars Program (TISP) at BU. This tutorial is open source and available in my Slider-Puzzle GitHub repo. You can also download the app on the Google Play Store.