THe NAACC schema changed, breaking the NAACC data ingest tool. An end user discerned what changed, their summary follows:
I was able to get the ingest tool to work by making some edits to the downloaded detailed data from NAACC. They changed some of the columns and the value fields used (now uses 0/1 instead of TRUE/FALSE) or rather than allow for an empty value, it now inserts NULL.
They have Inlet_Type in twice, to work around you have to add a column to AB, Copy BI and past into column AB (Inlet_Type) then at column BI, Add a 1 to the end of column heading to make it Inlet_Type1…. This matches how the tool was originally created.
The Approved Column (F), Maine_Private(AI), Inlet_Type(AB),No_Crossing (AJ) now utilize 0 or 1 rather than TRUE/FALSE, change to TRUE/FALSE.
Many Columns now include NULL rather than a 0 or empty value such as Inlet-Type(AB), Terrestrial_Passage_Score (AS), Armoring(AW), Barrier_Severity(AY), Dry_Passage(BB), Inlet-Grade(BD), Inlet_Structure_Type(BG), Inlet_type1(BI same as above to add a 1 to end), Outlet_Grade(BR), Slope_Confidence(BZ).
Editing the csv to match columns, replace o or 1 with TRUE/FALSE and remove NULL allowed table to ingest….