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Add the feature to work on the lower level of removing sites if virtu…
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…al network and fabric sites are given and if only vn name is given then we will recursively remove all the extended sites followed by the vn
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Abhishek-121 committed Mar 5, 2025
1 parent 6b65186 commit 80db743
Showing 1 changed file with 151 additions and 20 deletions.
171 changes: 151 additions & 20 deletions plugins/modules/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -254,6 +254,10 @@
- To create or update a fabric VLAN according to the module design, the vlan_id parameter must be provided as a required input.
Although in the GUI it's an optional parameter but to uniquely identify the VLAN, vlan is required along with the fabric
site location.
- If the playbook specifies fabric sites while deleting a virtual network, the module will operate at a lower level by removing
only the fabric sites from the virtual network without deleting the virtual network itself. However, if only the virtual
network name is provided, the module will first remove all associated fabric sites before proceeding with the deletion of the
virtual network.
- SDK Method used are
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -414,7 +418,28 @@
- site_name_hierarchy: "Global/China"
fabric_type: "fabric_site"
- name: Deleting layer3 Virtual Network from the Cisco Catalyst Center.
- name: Removing the fabric sites only from the given Virtual Network in the Cisco Catalyst Center.
dnac_host: "{{dnac_host}}"
dnac_username: "{{dnac_username}}"
dnac_password: "{{dnac_password}}"
dnac_verify: "{{dnac_verify}}"
dnac_port: "{{dnac_port}}"
dnac_version: "{{dnac_version}}"
dnac_debug: "{{dnac_debug}}"
dnac_log_level: "{{dnac_log_level}}"
dnac_log: false
state: deleted
- virtual_networks:
- vn_name: "vn_test"
- site_name_hierarchy: "Global/India"
fabric_type: "fabric_site"
- site_name_hierarchy: "Global/USA"
fabric_type: "fabric_site"
- name: Deleting Virtual Network from the Cisco Catalyst Center and removing fabric sites if any.
dnac_host: "{{dnac_host}}"
dnac_username: "{{dnac_username}}"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -533,6 +558,7 @@ def __init__(self, module):
self.supported_states = ["merged", "deleted"]
self.deleted_anycast_gateways, self.absent_anycast_gateways = [], []
self.removed_vn_sites = []
self.created_fabric_vlans = []
self.updated_fabric_vlans = []
self.no_update_fabric_vlans = []
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -690,6 +716,13 @@ def fetch_site_id_from_fabric_id(self, fabric_id, site_name):
self.set_operation_result("failed", False, self.msg, "ERROR").check_return_status()

response = response.get("response")
if not response:
self.log = (
"Failed to retrieve site details for fabric zone '{0}' having fabric id {1}."
.format(site_name, fabric_id), "INFO"
return site_id

site_id = response[0].get("siteId")
self.log("Successfully retrieved site id '{0}' for given fabric site '{1}'.".format(site_id, site_name), "DEBUG")

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1717,12 +1750,6 @@ def is_vn_needs_update(self, vn_details, vn_in_ccc):
self.log("No fabric sites available in Cisco Catalyst Center for the VN '{0}'.".format(vn_name), "INFO")
return True

if len(fabric_site_ids) != len(fabric_ids_in_ccc):
self.log("Mismatch in fabric site counts for VN '{0}': provided {1}, found {2}."
.format(vn_name, len(fabric_site_ids), len(fabric_ids_in_ccc)), "INFO"
return True

for fabric_id in fabric_site_ids:
if fabric_id not in fabric_ids_in_ccc:
self.log("Fabric ID '{0}' from VN '{1}' is not present in Cisco Catalyst Center".format(fabric_id, vn_name), "INFO")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1783,13 +1810,17 @@ def update_payload_vn(self, vn_details, vn_in_ccc):
"virtualNetworkName": vn_name
fabric_locations = vn_details.get("fabric_site_locations")
fabric_site_ids = []
fabric_ids_in_ccc = vn_in_ccc.get("fabricIds", [])
fabric_site_ids = self.get_fabric_ids(fabric_locations)

if not fabric_locations or not isinstance(fabric_locations, list):
update_vn_payload["fabricIds"] = []
fabric_site_ids = self.get_fabric_ids(fabric_locations)
update_vn_payload["fabricIds"] = fabric_site_ids
for fabric_id in fabric_site_ids:
if fabric_id not in fabric_ids_in_ccc:
self.log("Given fabric site id {0} not present for the vn {1} so extending the given "
"fabric site in the Cisco Catalyst Center.".format(fabric_id, vn_name), "DEBUG"

update_vn_payload["fabricIds"] = fabric_ids_in_ccc

anchor_site = vn_details.get("anchored_site_name")
if anchor_site == "":
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2646,6 +2677,13 @@ def get_want_anycast_gateway_details(self, anycast_gateway_details):
vn_details_in_ccc = self.get_vn_details_from_ccc(vn_name)
anchored_fabric_id = vn_details_in_ccc.get("anchoredSiteId")
if not anchored_fabric_id:
self.msg = (
"Given virtual network '{0}' is not anchored at any fabric site so cannot make "
"any configuration change in the anycast gateway.".format(vn_name)
self.set_operation_result("failed", False, self.msg, "ERROR").check_return_status()

self.log("Fetching the site id from the fabric site/zone from Catalyst Center.", "DEBUG")
fabric_anchored_site_id = self.fetch_site_id_from_fabric_id(anchored_fabric_id, site_name)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2817,6 +2855,39 @@ def get_have(self, config):

return self

def get_task_tree_failure_reasons(self, task_id):
Returns the task tree response of the task ID.
task_id (string) - The unique identifier of the task for which you want to retrieve details.
error_msg (str) - Returns the task tree error message of the task ID.

response = self.dnac._exec(
params={"task_id": task_id}
self.log("Retrieving task tree details by the API 'get_task_tree' using task ID: {0}, Response: {1}"
.format(task_id, response), "DEBUG")
error_msg = ""
if response and isinstance(response, dict):
result = response.get('response')
error_messages = []
for item in result:
if item.get("isError") is True:
failure_reason = item.get("failureReason")
if "Batch Operation" in failure_reason:


if error_messages:
error_msg = ". ".join(error_messages)

return error_msg

def update_fabric_vlan_vn_anycast_gateway_messages(self):
Updates and logs messages based on the status of fabric VLANs, virtual networks,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2899,6 +2970,10 @@ def update_fabric_vlan_vn_anycast_gateway_messages(self):
delete_anycast_msg = "Anycast Gateway(s) '{0}' deleted successfully from the Cisco Catalyst Center.".format(self.deleted_anycast_gateways)

if self.removed_vn_sites:
vn_sites_msg = "Fabric site(s) removed from Virtual Network(s) '{0}' successfully from the Cisco Catalyst Center.".format(self.removed_vn_sites)

if self.absent_anycast_gateways:
absent_anycast_gateways_msg = (
"Unable to delete Anycast Gateway(s) '{0}' as they are not present in Cisco Catalyst Center."
Expand All @@ -2909,6 +2984,7 @@ def update_fabric_vlan_vn_anycast_gateway_messages(self):
self.created_fabric_vlans or self.updated_fabric_vlans or self.deleted_fabric_vlans
or self.created_virtual_networks or self.updated_virtual_networks or self.deleted_virtual_networks
or self.created_anycast_gateways or self.updated_anycast_gateways or self.deleted_anycast_gateways
or self.removed_vn_sites
self.result["changed"] = True

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2978,9 +3054,7 @@ def process_fabric_vlans(self, fabric_vlan_details):
self.log("VLAN '{0}' needs to be updated.".format(vlan_name), "INFO")
self.msg = "Given L2 Vlan '{0}' does not need any update".format(vlan_name_with_id_and_site)
self.log(self.msg, "INFO")
self.result["response"] = self.msg
self.log("Given L2 Vlan '{0}' does not need any update".format(vlan_name_with_id_and_site), "INFO")
self.log("Fabric ID '{0}' added for VLAN '{1}' for site {2}.".format(fabric_id, vlan_name, site_name), "DEBUG")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3246,6 +3320,58 @@ def delete_virtual_network(self, virtual_network_details):

for vn in virtual_network_details:
vn_name = vn.get("vn_name")
# If site details are given in the input then we should operate on site only not delete the vn
fabric_locations = vn.get("fabric_site_locations")
vn_in_ccc = self.get_vn_details_from_ccc(vn_name)
if not vn_in_ccc:
self.log("Given Virtual network '{0}' is not present in Cisco Catalyst Center.".format(vn_name), "INFO")

if fabric_locations:
removed_vn_site_list = []
self.log("Retrieving fabric IDs for locations: {0}".format(fabric_locations), "DEBUG")
fabric_ids = self.get_fabric_ids(fabric_locations)
fabric_ids_in_ccc = vn_in_ccc.get("fabricIds")
if not fabric_ids:
self.log("No fabric IDs found for the provided locations so cannot remove any site.", "WARNING")

anchor_site = vn_in_ccc.get("anchoredSiteId")
if anchor_site:
# We cannot remove the anchored site id if subscriber sites are there
if fabric_ids[0] == anchor_site and len(fabric_ids) == 1:
self.log("Only anchored site associated with the virtual network {0} so removing it as well.".format(vn_name), "INFO")
vn_in_ccc["anchoredSiteId"] = []
vn_in_ccc["fabricIds"] = []
for fabric_id in fabric_ids:
if fabric_id != anchor_site and fabric_id in fabric_ids_in_ccc:
self.log("Removing fabric id '{0}' from the virtual network {1} update payload".format(fabric_id, vn_name), "DEBUG")

vn_in_ccc["fabricIds"] = fabric_ids_in_ccc

self.log("Given fabric site(s) '{0}' removed successfully from the virtual network {1}".format(fabric_locations, vn_name), "INFO")
self.removed_vn_sites.append(vn_name + ": " + str(removed_vn_site_list))

self.log("Handling the check of removing the subsciber site(s) extending the vn {0}".format(vn_name), "DEBUG")
self.log("Checking given fabric id is present in Cisco Catalyst Center and if present then remove from the payload.", "DEBUG")
for fabric_id in fabric_ids:
if fabric_id in fabric_ids_in_ccc:
self.log("Removing fabric id '{0}' from the virtual network {1} update payload".format(fabric_id, vn_name), "DEBUG")

vn_in_ccc["fabricIds"] = fabric_ids_in_ccc
# Call the update API to remove the fabric sites from the given virtual network
self.log("Given fabric site(s) '{0}' removed successfully from the virtual network {1}".format(fabric_locations, vn_name), "INFO")

if vn_name in ["DEFAULT_VN", "INFRA_VN"]:
self.log("Given VN '{0}' are not applicable for deletion as it comes with system.".format(vn_name), "WARNING")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3273,11 +3399,16 @@ def delete_virtual_network(self, virtual_network_details):
"Now it is only anchored to its primary fabric site.".format(vn_name), "INFO"

self.delete_layer3_virtual_network(vn_name, vn_id).check_return_status()
self.delete_layer3_virtual_network(vn_name, vn_id)
if self.status == "failed" and "task tree" in self.msg:
task_id = self.msg.split(":")[1].split(".")[0].lstrip()
failure_reason = self.get_task_tree_failure_reasons(task_id)
self.msg = "Unable to delele the virtual network {0} because of: {1}".format(vn_name, failure_reason)
self.log(self.msg, "WARNING")
self.set_operation_result("failed", False, self.msg, "ERROR")

self.log("Successfully deleted virtual network '{0}' from Cisco Catalyst Center.".format(vn_name), "INFO")
self.log("Given Virtual network '{0}' is not present in Cisco Catalyst Center.".format(vn_name), "INFO")

if self.deleted_virtual_networks:
self.log("Given Virtual Network(s) '{0}' deleted successfully from the Cisco Catalyst Center".format(self.deleted_virtual_networks), "INFO")
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