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Repository files navigation Broadcast JS SDK

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The JavaScript SDK for broadcast publishing and playing.


<script src="//"></script>


The CineIO object has three main methods. The first one is init. Initialize CineIO jssdk with your public key. The second method is play. This is used to play a live stream. This works on desktop, iOS, Android devices. Sending your stream to an Apple TV and Chromecast (although I don't have a Chromecast right now, but I don't see a reason why it wouldn't work; let me know if you run into issues) should work as well. The third main method is publish. This is used to publish a live stream using a webcam and input source. At this time, the publisher requries flash to be installed on the client machine.


Start off by initializing CineIO with your public publicKey.

CineIO.init(CINE_IO_PUBLIC_KEY, options);

CINE_IO_PUBLIC_KEY This is your public key for a project.


Options are an optional parameter. Currently the only supported option is jwPlayerKey. Pass this in to validate your jwPlayer version. Unlicensed versions will show the jwPlayer logo.

Play, domId);, domId, playOptions);, domId, callback);, domId, playOptions, callback);


streamId is a stream id. This is what is returned when accessing the create stream endpoint or available in your dashboard.


domId is the ID of the dom node you want the player to be injected into.

available/default playOptions are:

  • stretching: 'uniform'
  • width: '100%'
  • aspectratio: '16:9'
  • primary: 'flash'
  • autostart: true
  • metaData: true
  • mute: false
  • controls: true
  • rtmp:
  • subscribe: true


You can optionally pass a callback to retrieve the player. This will return any errors and instance of jwplayer in desktop environments or a video element tag.

function(error, player) {console.log("player ready", error, player)}

Complete Play Example:

<div id="playerID">Playing Video</div>
var streamId = " stream id";
var domId = "playerID";
var playOptions = {
  width: "360px",
  height: "640px",
  autostart: false,
  mute: true
var callback = function(error, player){
}, domId, playOptions, callback);


publisher = CineIO.publish(streamId, streamPassword, domId, publishOptions);
publisher.start(); // starts the broadcast
publisher.preview() // show the video preview without broadcasting.
publisher.getMediaInfo() // returns info about the media on the computer. Ex: {cameras: ["A webcam", …], microphones: ["Built in mic", "line in", …]}
publisher.selectCamera() // shows a dialog to change the camera
publisher.selectMicrophone() // shows a dialog to change the microphone
publisher.sendData({some: "custom", data: true}) // send custom data over the data channel.
publisher.stop(); // stops the broadcast


streamId is a stream id. This is what is returned when accessing the create stream endpoint or available in your dashboard.


streamPassword is a stream password. Only expose the streamPassword to your users who have permission to publish.


domId is the ID of the dom node you want the publisher to be injected into.

available/default publish options are:

  • audioCodec: 'NellyMoser'
    • available options are 'NellyMoser' and 'Speex' (these are both automatically transcoded by to AAC for playback on mobile devices.)
  • streamWidth: 720
  • streamHeight: 404
  • streamFPS: 15
  • intervalSecs: 3
  • bandwidth: 1500
  • videoQuality: 0
    • Level of picture quality. 100 indicates no compression.
    • A quality of 0 means if there is a loss of client bandwidth, the frame rate will stay constant, but the video quality will decline. Setting a video quality, means that the frame rate will decline but the picture quality will stay constant.
    • Adobe documentation.
  • favorArea: false
    • This parameter will favor maintaining the requested width x height instead of frame rate. If your video input (camera) does not support the requested width x height, then it might drop frames to maintain that requested width x height.
    • We default to false to ensure the frame rate is preserved as best as possible, instead of prioritizing a resolution the input does not natively support.
    • Adobe documentation.
  • embedTimecode: true
    • This sends the timecode (offset since start of recording) and timestamp (milliseconds since epoch) over the data channel.
  • timecodeFrequency: 1000
    • How frequenently to send the timestamp in ms. value of 1000 means 1 every second.
  • eventHandler: function(event){}
    • The publisher will send events, such as status, connect, disconnect, and error.

    • events look like:

        : "the kind of event (status, connect,…)", "
        : 100, "
        : "message of event"}
    • the same kind of event can have different codes for different reasons. For example, a disconnect event might be fired at a closed connection (code 502), or a failed initial connection (code 501).

Play Recording

CineIO.playRecording(streamId, recordingName, domId);
CineIO.playRecording(streamId, recordingName, domId, playOptions);
CineIO.playRecording(streamId, recordingName, domId, callback);
CineIO.playRecording(streamId, recordingName, domId, playOptions, callback);


streamId is a stream id. This is what is returned when accessing the create stream endpoint or available in your dashboard.


recordingName is a stream recording name. This is name field of one of the recordings when accessing the stream recordings.


domId is the ID of the dom node you want the player to be injected into.

available/default playOptions are:

  • stretching: 'uniform'
  • width: '100%'
  • aspectratio: '16:9'
  • autostart: true
  • metaData: true
  • mute: false
  • controls: true
  • rtmp:
    • subscribe: true

the primary option is inconsistent for video-on-demand in jwplayer, so it has been removed from the jssdk.


You can optionally pass a callback to retrieve the player. This will return any errors and instance of jwplayer in desktop environments or a video element tag in the absence of flash.

function(error, player) {console.log("player ready", error, player)}


This is used to get the play details of the stream. For example if you wanted to use your own player, you would use this to get the stream details.

CineIO.getStreamDetails(streamId, callback);


streamId is a stream id. This is what is returned when accessing the create stream endpoint or available in your dashboard.


callback is a function which returns the an error or the stream details. It follows the Node.js format of (err, data). An example callback:

function(err, stream){ console.log('recieved err/stream', err, stream); }

stream response

The stream follows the format of:

  "id": "the streamId",
  "play": {
    "hls": "the hls url",
    "rtmp": "the rtmp url"


This is used to get the details of the recording sessions of the stream.

CineIO.getStreamRecordings(streamId, callback);
CineIO.getStreamRecordings(streamId, {readFromCache: false}, callback);


streamId is a stream id. This is what is returned when accessing the create stream endpoint or available in your dashboard.


callback is a function which returns the an error or the stream recording results. It follows the Node.js format of (err, data). An example callback:

function(err, recordings){ console.log('recieved err/recordings', err, recordings); }

recording response

  "name": "the recording name",
  "size": "size in bytes",
  "url": "the playable url",
  "date": "the date of the recording"