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Siddhartha Dhar Choudhury edited this page Jan 23, 2021 · 2 revisions


As a user

If you are a user then follow these steps to install the latest version of simC:-

  1. Install using pip and simC repository's GitHub link:-
user@programmer~:$ pip install simc

This will install version 0.1 alpha-4

As a developer

If you want to contribute to the simC compiler, then the following steps are for you to install a dev version of simC:-

  1. Clone the repository:-

user@programmer~:$ git clone
  1. Navigate inside sim-c directory:-

user@programmer~:$ cd sim-c
  1. Install simC in editable (dev) mode:-

user@programmer~:$ pip install -e .
  1. Since you will be making changes to the compiler, you need to run the tests to make sure your change does not break any existing feature, you can install simC's test suite:-

user@programmer~:$ pip install git+

We will be publishing the test suite to pypi soon.