A simple example script to generate a list of users and if enabled the IP Ranges they can login from.
Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/christyson/veracode_get_user_list.git
Install dependencies:
cd veracode_get_user_list
pip install -r requirements.txt
(Optional) Save Veracode API credentials in ~/.veracode/credentials
veracode_api_key_id = <YOUR_API_KEY_ID>
veracode_api_key_secret = <YOUR_API_KEY_SECRET>
usage: veracode_get_user_list.py [-h] [-u USER] [--all] [--file]
This script takes a user name and generates a list of their attributes or --all will generate a list of all users and
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u USER, --user USER print attributes for this user
--all If set to True information for all users will be generated
--file If set to True information will be placed in a file called user_list.csv
If you have saved credentials as above you can run:
python veracode_get_user_list.py -u <your user of interest>
python veracode_get_user_list.py --all
Otherwise you will need to set environment variables before running veracode_get_user_list.py
python veracode_get_user_list.py -u <your user of interest>
python veracode_get_user_list.py --all
Both of these methods can also have the --file option added and then the results will be stored in a file called "user_list.csv"
If the app is not found an error message will be printed.