Sample using react-native-windows inside a plain old win32 window, using the Clang compiler (WIP)
To clone and run this repository you'll need Git, Node.js (which comes with npm) installed on your computer.
# Clone this repository
git clone
# Change to the repository
cd react-native-windows-clang
# Install dependencies - This will patch react-native-windows via `postinstall` step
yarn install
# Start Metro
yarn start
1.) Open windows\rnw.sln and set the startup project to win32
2.) [Optionally] Choose Build / Build Solution
2.) Run win32 project
This sneaky example leverages a set of technologies:
1.) Xaml Islands >> Sample
2.a) Embed Manifest via command line with mt.exe
2.b) Reg-Free WinRT for activation >> Sample
3.) Generate most minimal resources.pri via MakePri.exe
4.) VCRT Forwarding DLLs for runtime
See WinRT documentation in case you are unfamiliar with it.
- react-native-windows as a Windows Runtime Component >> C# Sample
- UWP Store App exported as .DLL with dummy.exe trick >> Study the entire README.MD
- Xaml Islands and therefore this project require Windows 10 1903
- Once WinUI 3.0 is ready, you should be able to support Windows 10 1703, as Xaml Islands gets extracted out of the Windows 10 SDK
- VCRT Forwarding just 'forwards to runtime components of Visual C++ libraries which are required to run Visual C++ applications'. Ensure that. See and Visual C++ Redistributable Packages