A collection of sample analysis tools for HISE based on the Loris library. The Loris library allows you resynthesize and morph audio data and is a pretty powerful tool. This repository contains the integration of Loris into HISE! The integration features:
- a scripting API to control loris functions using more or less the same API as the command line interface.
- integration into all file management tools in HISE: audio file loading, script Buffer support etc.
The repository contains three projects:
A HISE Project that demonstrates how to use the Loris library with the scripting layer. It can be compiled to a standalone app, making it a GUI interface for the most important functions of Loris!
MOVED into hi_loris module
A simple JUCE C++ app that's only reason of existence is prototyping the API without recompiling the big ol' HISE everytime. You probably will never need to use this.