3D model of and supporting models for a servo
Christophe VG <contact@christophe.vg>
I sometimes work with (micro) servos and need to create 3D prints or cuts to create prototypes that run using the servos. This repository contains OpenSCAD supporting modules to do that.
Although that (micro) servos "can" have "standard" dimensions, there are always small differences. The modules are therefore configurable with 11 parameters. The following image illustrates these:
The resulting model provides two modules: one of the servo and one that can be used to subtract from another shape to create a mounting hole. The demo module illustrates this:
module demo() {
difference() {
cube([ 70, 50, 5 ] );
translate([25, 25, 0]) { servo_mount(t=5); }
translate([50, 25, 0]) { servo_mount(t=5); }
translate([25, 25, 5]) { color("red") { servo(); } }
// the servo and mount are centered around the spline
translate([25, 25, -40]) { color("blue") { cylinder(80, d=1); } }