v0.0.7 - 2023-04-03
Bug Fixes 🐞
- shorten custom data in cloud init files (#121)
- add kube-addon-manager v9.1.6 to vhd (#118)
- remove invalid k8s v1.24 flags (#114)
- use cross-platform pause image as the containerd sandbox image on Windows (#106)
- kubernetes-azurestack.json uses distro aks-ubuntu-20.04 (#87)
- CoreDNS image not updated after cluster upgrade (#75)
- change reference of cni config to scripts dir (#71)
- add Azure CNI config script to Ubuntu VHD (#70)
- unit test checking e2e configs (#49)
- syntax error in Windows VHD script (#41)
- ensure eth0 addr is set to NIC's primary addr (#39)
Code Style 🎶
- replace usage of deprecated "io/ioutil" golang package
Continuous Integration 💜
- update release Github action to test k8s v1.24 & v1.25
- exclude version control information from test binary (#122)
- Add -buildvcs=false for go build (#120)
- call test-vhd-no-egress github workflow from create-release-branch (#119)
- add no-egress GitHub action (#108)
- release workflow tags the correct commit (#113)
- gen-release-changelog wf creates branch and commit (#112)
- update actions/checkout to v3 (#111)
- chocolatey workflow (#86)
- release workflows run no-egress scenarios (#85)
- remove no-egress job from create branch action (#79)
- PR gate runs E2E suite (#69)
- PR checks consume SIG images (#64)
- E2E PR check uses user assigned identity (#54)
- fix variable name in e2e PR check (#52)
- e2e PR check sets tenant (#51)
- e2e PR check does not use AvailabilitySets (#47)
- e2e PR check does not use custom VNET (#46)
- e2e PR check does not use MSI (#45)
Documentation 📘
- Enable azurestack-csi-driver addon for mixed clusters (#96)
- remove Azure as a target cloud (#43)
- rename binary name in all markdown files (#42)
Features 🌈
- add support for Kubernetes v1.24.11 (#109)
- migrate from Pod Security Policy to Pod Security admission (#94)
- DISA Ubuntu 20.04 STIG compliance (#83)
Maintenance 🔧
- update Linux and Windows VHDs for March 2023 (#115)
- support Kubernetes v1.25.7 (#105)
- upgrade coredns to v1.9.4 (#98)
- upgrade containerd to 1.5.16 (#95)
- upgrade pause to v3.8 (#93)
- update golang toolchain to v1.19 (#90)
- update registries for nvidia and k8s.io components (#88)
- remove package apache2-utils from VHD (#82)
- update default windows image to jan 2023 (#77)
- Update Windows VHD packer job to use Jan 2023 patches (#76)
- change base image sku and version to azurestack (#74)
- set fsType to ext4 in supported storage classes (#73)
- enable v1.23.15 & v1.24.9, use ubuntu 20.04 as default, force containerd runtime (#68)
- include relevant updates from v0.75.0 (#56)
- include relevant updates from v0.74.0 (#55)
- include relevant updates from v0.73.0 (#53)
- remove kv-fluxvolume addon (#48)
- prefer ADO for PR E2E check (#38)
- added e2e to PR workflow (#36)
Security Fix 🛡️
- bump x/net and x/crypto (#104)
Testing 💚
- remove auditd from packages validate script (#116)
- e2e suite validates an existing PV works after a cluster upgrade (#92)
- e2e sets ImageRef in all linux nodepools (#65)