Extension Key: | ods_ajaxmailsubscription |
Description: | Adds a plugin for subscription to direct mail newsletters. |
Author: | Robert Heel <typo3@bobosch.de> |
Copyright: | 2008-2016 |
- Adds a plugin for subscription to direct mail newsletters.
- Uses ajax to prevent page reloads.
- Template based design.
- Change personal newsletter preferences (name).
- Frontend plugin
- Frontend plugin, user can change preferences
Insert the Ajax mail subscription as frontend plugin. - To add automatically new addresses to a mailing list, select the according list in the field “Add new recipient to group”. - Links appearing in emails sent by this extension (e.g. "To confirm the subscription, please click here") refer to the page selected in the field “Preferences Page”. Note: The selected page has to contain this extension as well.
Plugin option | TS option |
Add new recipient to group | default_group |
Send HTML email (default on subscription) | default_type |
Mail from email | mail_from |
Mail from name | mail_from_name |
Notify email to | mail_notify |
Reply-to email | mail_reply |
Reply-to name | mail_reply_name |
Return-path | mail_return |
Preferences Page | page_edit |
Show default value | show_default |
Template | Template |
Successful subscription mail: Subject | mail_subscribe_subject |
Successful subscription mail: Body | mail_subscribe_body |
Successful unsubscription mail: Subject | mail_unsubscribe_subject |
Successful unsubscription mail: Body | mail_unsubscribe_body |
Startingpoint | page_records |
Recursive | page_records_recursive |
Please see configuration section for description of the fields.
- In order to add an unsubscribe link to the mail, add the following link to your newsletter template:
<a href="http://[your domain name]/index.php?id=[id to page of this plugin]&u=###USER_uid###&t=###SYS_TABLE_NAME###&a=###SYS_AUTHCODE###">unsubscribe</a>
- If the unscubscription should be done immediately, set authcode_std = del in TS and use this link:
<a href="http://[your domain name]/index.php?id=[id to page of this plugin]&u=###USER_uid###&t=###SYS_TABLE_NAME###&a=###SYS_AUTHCODE###&do=del">unsubscribe</a>
- Unsubscribe user - A tt_address record won't be deleted, instead it will set to hidden (“hidden=1”). This user won't receive mails any more. If you import mail addresses using the direct_mail CSV import, the user remains unsubscribed if “Update existing user, instead renaming the new user” is set.
Template file: ods_ajaxmailsubscription_mail.html
Subpart | Marker | Description |
###MAIL_NEW... ###MAIL_CHANGE... | ###LINK### | Link to configuration page |
###SERVER### | Server name | |
###UNSUBSCRIBE_LINK### | Link to unsubscribe |
Property | Data type | Description | Default |
default_group | group list | Join to these lists or groups. Typo3 database group list, e.g. sys_dmail_category_1, sys_dmail_group_1, fe_groups_1, sys_category_1 | |
default_type | boolean | HTML newsletter. Value of module_sys_dmail_html. | 1 |
mail_from | string | From: Sender email address in system mails. | typo3@###DOMAIN### |
mail_from_name | string | From: Sender name in system mails. | |
mail_notify | string | Notify (un)subscriptions to this address | |
mail_reply | string | Reply-to: Reply email address. | |
mail_reply_name | string | Reply-to: Reply name. | |
mail_return | string | Return-path: Bounce email address. | |
page_edit | integer | Link to this page in system mails. | $TSFE->id |
page_redirect_unsubscribe | integer | Redirect to this page after unsubscription. | |
show_default | boolean | Show default “John.Doe@example.com”. | 0 |
template | string | Template file. | EXT:ods_ajaxmailsubscription/pi1/ajaxmailsubscription.tmpl |
page_records | integer list | Record storage page id (Startingpoint) | |
page_records_recursive | integer | Recursive level | 0 |
edit.fields | string list | Fields used in the preference (edit) template. | gender,first_name,middle_name,last_name,birthday,title,phone,mobile,www,address,building,room,company,city,zip,region,country,fax |
subscribe.fields | string list | Fields used in the subscribe template. | |
required.fields | string list | Fields required in the subscribe template. | |
authcode_fields | string | Fields used to generate authcode. | uid |
authcode_std | string | Standard authcode does not expire for specific actions: del | |
authcode_expiration_time | integer | Expiration time of authorized links in email. 0 disables expiration. | 60 |
default_table | string | Add new users as fe_users or tt_address records. | tt_address |
mail_confirmation | boolean | 0 | |
mail_html | boolean | 0 | |
error.stdWrap | string | wrap = <p class="error">|</p> | |
info.stdWrap | string | wrap = <p class="info">|</p> | |
javascript | string | EXT:ods_ajaxmailsubscription/res/ods_ajaxmailsubscription.js | |
mailtemplate | string | EXT:ods_ajaxmailsubscription/pi1/ods_ajaxmailsubscription_mail.html |
plugin.tx_odsajaxmailsubscription_pi1 { default_group = sys_dmail_group_2 mail_from = newsletter@your-domain.com }