I have taken the challenge to consistently learn and code with the blockchain development
I'll be tweeting my progress with #100DaysOfBlockchain | #100DaysOfCode hashtag on my twitter account Chr1sHustler.
To transition from Fullstack Web Developer into Blockchain Engineer.
October 24th, 2018.
- I will tweet about my progress every day -> using the hashtag #100DaysOfCode | #100DaysOfBlockchain
- If I code at work, that time won't count towards the challenge.
- I will push code to GitHub every day so that anyone can see my progress.
- I will update the (Log)[log.md] with the day's progress and provide a link so that others can see my progress.
- I will work on real projects, facing real challenges. The time spent doing tutorials, online courses and other similar resources will NOT count towards this challenge.
- Cryptocurrencies and Algorithms
- Cryptoeconomics
- Fundamentals of Cryptography
- Bitcoin Programming Basics
- Solidity Programming
- Exploring other blockchain
- WAVES, NEM, EOS, Stellar, Loom Network, Ripple, Quorum, BigchainDB, Holo
- Create Blockchain from the scratch
- Develop Bitcoin Wallet from the Scratch
- Develop dApps using Smart Contract with Front-end.
- ....