A basic tabletop-inspired web app game to learn Azure technology.
- Add UI to set which guild you are controlling.
- Add UI to display the currently selected action for each guild for the current turn.
- Add UI to end the current turn.
- Add UI to display the current turn number (treat each turn as a season, e.g. Year 3 - Fall, Year 7 - Winter, etc.)
- Set up Azure Cosmos DB container to store the game state
- Set up Azure PubSub system
- Set up Azure Functions for the following routes/actions:
- HTTP triggers
- SetGame - sets the game you are playing by ID (creating a new game if it doesn't exist yet)
- EndTurn - applies current guild actions and completes objectives that are queued, generates new automated actions for the guilds for the next turn, generates new objectives if any were completed
- SetGuildTurnAction - set the turn action for the specified guild
- QueueObjectiveToComplete - sets the objective to be completed
- Azure Cosmos DB Trigger
- PropagateGameState - this will interact with the PubSub system and send updates to the game state out to all subscribers
- This should be triggered by all of the HTTP triggers
- PropagateGameState - this will interact with the PubSub system and send updates to the game state out to all subscribers
- HTTP triggers
- Hook up frontend to HTTP triggered functions using axios
- Hook up frontend to PubSub using ???