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Linux-compatible ASP.Net core middleware to publish telemetry using New Relic's beta SDK.

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New Relic Agent Middleware

Linux-compatible ASP.Net core middleware to publish telemetry using New Relic's beta SDK.

New Relic SDK installation

The New Relic beta SDK must be downloaded and its shared libraries installed such that the middleware will be able to consume them. The following instructions were written for the aspnetcore Docker image. Depending on your flavour of Linux, the following might vary.

mkdir -p /opt/newrelic
curl -o /opt/newrelic/nr_agent_sdk.tar.gz
tar xvf /opt/newrelic/nr_agent_sdk.tar.gz -C /opt/newrelic --strip-components 1
rm /opt/newrelic/nr_agent_sdk.tar.gz
cp /opt/newrelic/lib/* /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu

Environment preparation

The libdl shared library must be available to the middleware. If it can't be found, it may be necessary to create a symbolic link like this:

ln -s /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdl

Important note: The beta SDK has a dependency on This version of the library is susceptible to the Heartbleed vulnerability. An updated version of the library can be used if a couple symbolc links are created:

ln -s /usr/lib64/ /lib64/
ln -s /lib64/ /lib64/

ASP.Net Core Project Configuration

Nuget Installation

Install-Package NewRelicAgentMiddleware

Declare mappings

The middleware has no access to the controller or action context, so we must explicitly map an action that's been overloaded to separate transactions e.g.:

public class ValuesController : Controller
	// GET api/values
	public IEnumerable<string> Get()

	// GET api/values/1
	public string Get(int id)

For each controller and action combination, we will add a mapping to a mapping document to indicate the URL pattern to distinguish each endpoint along with the transaction label we wish to see reported to New Relic

  • Create /Mappings/mappings.json
  • Add something like the following the following:
    "actionRoute": "values/get",  <--- Corresponds with the controller name and action name
    "pathMappings": [
        "pattern": "values/getlist$",  <--- Valid regex pattern
        "label": "values/getlist"   <--- The transaction label
        "pattern": "values/getbyid/[\\d]+$",  <-- Pattern to match this dynamic URL
        "label": "values/get/:id"  <--- /value/get/1 and /value/get/2 will both be rolled up with this label
* Ensure you **always** copy this file to the output directory.

Edit Startup.cs (configured appsettings.json)

Add the following import statement:

using NewRelicAgentMiddleware.Extensions;

Configure the middleware for dependency injection, and add the middleware to the processing pipeline:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
	// Setup DI for config options and our middleware
	// Add framework services.
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, IApplicationLifetime appLifetime)
	bool newRelicSDKEnabled;
	if (Boolean.TryParse(Configuration["newRelic:enabled"], out newRelicSDKEnabled))
		// Maybe just log this instead?
		throw new Exception("Appsetting newrelic:enabled is either missing or malformed");

Update appsettings.json

The middleware will expect the following configuration segment in the appsettings.json file:

"newRelic": {
    "enabled": "true",
    "licenseKey": "YOUR_KEY",
    "appName": "YOUR_APP_NAME",
    "language": "CSharp",
    "languageVersion": "7",
	"libraryPath": "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu"
Setting Value
enabled Enables or disables the middleware
licenseKey New Relic account license key
appName Name of the app, note this will have its hosts hostname appended to ensure uniqueness
language Programming language used
languageVersion Version of programming language used
libraryPath The path to the folder where you copied the New Relic shared libraries

With your API application configured as above, request that are mapped in the mappings.json document should be reported as transactions to New Relic after a few minutes.

Edit Startup.cs (configuration written inline)

Adjust ConfigureServices to configure the agent with an inline options object:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

    services.AddNewRelicServices(options =>
        options.LicenseKey = "fe182d6b03fc404b64f4180e3cc811796948f0ce";
        options.Enabled = true;
        options.AppName = "NEWRELIC_SDK_LOAD_TEST";
        options.Language = "CSharp";
        options.LanguageVersion = "7";
        options.LibraryPath = "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu";
    // Add framework services.


Linux-compatible ASP.Net core middleware to publish telemetry using New Relic's beta SDK.






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