A common interface to a few solvers for the Traveling Salesman Problem: Concorde.jl, LKH.jl, TravelingSalesmanHeuristics.jl, and Hygese.jl.
To install:
] add TSPSolvers
using TSPSolvers
M = [
0 16 7 14
16 0 3 5
7 3 0 16
14 5 16 0
tour, tour_len = TSPSolvers.solve_tsp(M)
# ([1, 3, 2, 4], 29)
The distance matrix M must be symmetric and integer-valued.
It can be asymmetric for the LKH solver only.
Note that the output tour
does not repeat the first city at the end of the tour.
Also supports the TSPLIB input:
tour, tour_len = solve_tsp("gr17.tsp")
You can specify the algorithm
and firstcity
tour, tour_len = TSPSolvers.solve_tsp(M; algorithm="FarthestInsertion", firstcity=2)
# ([2, 4, 1, 3], 29)
Supported algorithms are:
supported_algorithms = [
"Concorde", # Concorde.jl
"LKH", # LKH.jl
"HGS", # Hygese.jl
"NearestNeighbor", # TravelingSalesmanHeuristics.jl
"FarthestInsertion", # TravelingSalesmanHeuristics.jl
"CheapestInsertion", # TravelingSalesmanHeuristics.jl
"TwoOpt", # TravelingSalesmanHeuristics.jl
"SimulatedAnnealing" # TravelingSalesmanHeuristics.jl
You may also pass the solver-specific keyword arguments. For example:
tour, tour_len = TSPSolvers.solve_tsp(M; algorithm="LKH", INITIAL_TOUR_ALGORITHM="GREEDY", RUNS=5, TIME_LIMIT=10.0)
tour, tour_len = TSPSolvers.solve_tsp(M; algorithm="FarthestInsertion", do2opt=false)
tour, tour_len = TSPSolvers.solve_tsp(M; algorithm="SimulatedAnnealing", firstcity=3, steps=10, num_starts=3)
tour, tour_len = TSPSolvers.solve_tsp(M; algorithm="HGS", nbIter=100)
By default, nbIter
is set to 4 * n
for HGS.