stock-backtrader-web-app Public
Stock Backtrader Web App 是一个基于 Python 的项目,旨在简化股票回测和分析的过程。通过集成四个强大的库——Streamlit、AkShare、Backtrader 和 Pyecharts,本应用为用户提供了一个综合性的工具集,支持股票数据获取、回测模拟和结果可视化,且所有功能都在一个直观的 Web 界面内完成。
URL2VideoStudio Public
本项目参考NotebookLlama,是一个自动化生成视频的项目,通过从指定的URL获取内容,生成播客脚本,合成语音,生成图片,并最终生成视频。This project is inspired by NotebookLlama and is an automated video generation project. It retrieves content from specified U…
KLing-Video-WatermarkRemover-Enhancer is an open-source tool developed to enhance and clean up videos generated by KLing. This project is designed to automatically remove watermarks from videos and…
SubErase-Translate-Embed Public
SubErase-Translate-Embed is an open-source tool that automatically extracts, erases, translates, and embeds subtitles in videos using OCR and AI. SubErase-Translate-Embed 是一个开源工具,能够自动提取、删除、翻译和嵌入视频中…
ai-weibo-talks Public
RopeSkippingCounter Public
Rope skipping real-time counting
Wechat-Message Public
Wechat-Message 是一个微信机器人,专注于保存微信聊天记录,无自动回复功能。适用于需要存储单聊和群聊消息的场景。
Face-Album-Mind Public
FaceAlbumMind is an AI-powered tool for automatic photo album organization. It detects faces, generates feature vectors, and clusters photos based on facial similarities, helping you efficiently ma…
akshare-gpt Public
akshare-gpt 是一个开源工具,旨在将 Akshare 集成到 GPT 的工具中,实现自然语言问答。
lianjia_scrapy Public
Crawl second-hand housing information and display it on the map
esmm_mmoe_deepfm Public