- I'm using Vim key binding. Please see "Tips" section if you prefer the Emacs key binding.
- People in Mainland China may need goagent to download packages from ELPA. Run command "http_proxy= emacs -nw" after starting goagent server.
- C++/C developers, you need tell Emacs where to search headers to make auto-complete work. See section
for details. - For Windows users, I would suggest Cygwin Emacs instead of native one to avoid some overhead on set up third party tools. But this configuration is still usable even with native windows Emacs.
- I whitelist packages on melpa because packages in melpa is kind of too cutting edge. Modify variable "melpa-include-packages" in init-elpa.el if you want add new package into that whitelist.
This configuration is originally cloned from Steve Purcell's emacs.d.
My first priority is stable. So I use fewer cutting-edge packages from melpa than average geeks. Average geeks use 500 packages, I have only installed 200 packages. ;)
To install, Download this zip file and extract its content into ~/.emacs.d. Ensure that the 'init.el' contained in this repo ends up at /.emacs.d/init.el and old */.emacs does NOT exist*.
Thanks to Purcell, this emacs.d has fancy features for most script languages like Clojure, Python, Lisp, PHP, Javascript, Ruby etc. Purcell is basically a web geek who use all the modern web technologies.
I will support all the languages a desktop application developer use, like C++, Java, Lua, Objective-C etc.
- Real time HTML syntax checker enabled (you need install tidy)
- git or subversion is NOT needed. I removed all the 'git submodule update' stuff.
- optimized for cross-platform C++ development with CMake and wxWidgets
- emacs-w3m (console browser)
- eim (Chinese pinyin input method)
- org2blog (post wordpress blog with org-mode)
- make the configuration work on ALL platforms (Linux/Cygwin/Mac). BTW, when I say Linux, I mean all the popular distributions (Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, Centos, ArchLinux, Gentoo ...).
- The configuration will work with Emacs version >=24 but still usable with Emacs version 23 (tested with Emacs 23.4.1).
- evil-mode and its plugins (Vim key binding)
- yasnippet and my customized snippets (insert code snippet by typing less keys)
They are OPTIONAL. Your Emacs will NOT crash if they are not installed.
- needed by
(w3m is emacs package name written in elisp) - install by OS way
- required by
- install by OS way
- needed by
- hunspell is the alternative of
. So you need only install either aspell or hunspell. - install by OS way
- I force the dictionary to "en_US" in init-spelling.el. You can modify it in init-spelling.el.
- needed by lisp
- install by OS way
- needed by
for real time HTML syntax check - install by OS way
- install
by OS way, thensudo npm install -g csslint
- needed by
to export org to odt - install by OS way
- needed by my clipboard command
under Linux - install by OS way
clang (http://clang.llvm.org)
- needed by
- install by OS way
- If you use
(default), add(setq company-clang-arguments '("-I/example1/dir" "-I/example2/dir"))
into ~/.emacs.d/init.el - If you use
will do all the set up for you.
MozRepl firefox addon (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/mozrepl/)
- needed by MozRepl
- install using firefox
ctags (http://ctags.sourceforge.net)
- needed by many tags related plugins
- install by OS way
GNU Global (http://www.gnu.org/software/global)
- needed by
- You use this tool to navigate the C/C++/Java/Objective-C code.
- install by OS way
- You need pyflakes for real time python syntax checker like
- Install pip by OS way, then
pip install pyflakes
- On cygwin you need install
in order to installpip
- Only one of its binary
is needed - needed when converting odt file into doc (Microsoft Word 97)
- conversion will happen automatically when exporting org-mode to odt
- The conversion command is stored in variable
- Install by OS way
I don't use them now.
If you find any bug, please file an issue on the github project: https://github.com/redguardtoo/emacs.d
By default EVIL (Vim emulation in Emacs) is used. You can comment out line containing "(require 'init-evil)" in init.el to unload it.
Some package cannot be downloaded automatically because of network problem. You need manually
M-x list-packages
and install it. -
You can speed up the start up by NOT loading some heavy weight components like evil or yasnippet. All you need to do is add below code into ~/.bashrc:
alias e=emacs -q --no-splash --eval="(setq light-weight-emacs t)" -l "$HOME/.emacs.d/init.el"
If you use
for email thing (Gmail, for example). Check ~/.emacs.d/init-gnus.el which includes my most settings except my private stuff. There is also a tutorial at my blog on how to use gnus effectively. -
To toggle Chinese input method (eim, for example), press
or run commandM-x toggle-input-method
It's publicized at http://blog.binchen.org/?p=430. It contains my personal stuff like color-theme and time locale.