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This toolset is a simple XML diff and patch tools for X4: Foundations. It is designed to help modders to compare and patch XML files. The format of diff XML files is compatible with the appropriate `diff.xsd` format definition.


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Modding tools: XML diff and patch for X4: Foundations

This toolset is a simple XML diff and patch tools for X4: Foundations. It is designed to help modders to compare and patch XML files.

The format of diff XML files is compatible with the appropriate diff.xsd format definition. It is means - you can you this tool to create diff files for any XML files used in game. Also, you can use appropriate tool to patch XML files with diff files, this action has reason to check how your diff file will be applied to the vanilla XML file. Or better understand, what other modders did in their mods.

Important note

It is highly recommended to use the diff.xsd file to validate the diff XML files. It is especially important when you creating them by XMLDiff.exe. If the diff.xsd file if it located in the "current" folder it will be used automatically. If you want to use another diff.xsd file, you can specify it with the -x option.

How to use

  • Download the latest release from:
    • GitHub releases page - there is an archive file
    • NexusMods - there is an archive file
  • Extract the archive file to any useful location.
  • Inside will be a folder, named XMLDiffAndPatch with two executables - XMLDiff.exe and XMLPatch.exe.

How to create a diff file

There is a command line help for the XMLDiff tool:

XMLDiff 0.2.18
Developed by Chem O`Dun

  -o, --original_xml      Required. Path to the original XML file or directory.

  -m, --modified_xml      Required. Path to the modified XML file or directory.

  -d, --diff_xml          Required. Path for the diff XML file or directory.

  -x, --xsd               Path to the diff.xsd schema file.

  -l, --log-to-file       Log level (error, warn, info, debug).

  -a, --append-to-log     (Default: false) Append logs to the existing log file.

  --only-full-path        (Default: false) Generate only full path.

  --use-all-attributes    (Default: false) Use all attributes in XPath.

  --help                  Display this help screen.

  --version               Display version information.


XMLDiff.exe -o vanilla.xml -m modified.xml -d diff.xml

Example of resulting diff files

There the is example of the diff files created by tool:

  • with add operation:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <add sel="//ware[@id=&quot;scanningarrays&quot;]" pos="before">
        <ware id="xenon_psi_emitter_mk1" name="{1972092403, 7002}" description="{1972092403, 7002}" transport="equipment" volume="1" tags="satellite noplayerbuild">
        <price min="845800" average="901420" max="1054580" />
        <production time="60" amount="0" method="default" name="Xenon Psi Emitter" />
        <production time="60" amount="0" method="xenon" name="Xenon Psi Emitter" />
        <production time="60" amount="0" method="terran" name="Xenon Psi Emitter" />
        <component ref="xenon_psi_emitter_macro" amount="0" />
        <use threshold="0" />
  • with replace operation:

    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
      <replace sel="//do_if[@value=&quot;@$speak and not this.assignedcontrolled.nextorder and (@$ != 'Patrol') and (@$ != 'ProtectPosition') and (@$ != 'ProtectShip') and (@$ != 'ProtectStation') and (@$ != 'Plunder') and (@$ != 'Police') and (not this.assignedcontrolled.commander or (this.assignedcontrolled.commander == player.occupiedship)) and;]/@value">@$speak and not this.assignedcontrolled.nextorder and (@$ != 'ProtectSector') and (@$ != 'Patrol') and (@$ != 'ProtectPosition') and (@$ != 'ProtectShip') and (@$ != 'ProtectStation') and (@$ != 'Plunder') and (@$ != 'Police') and (not this.assignedcontrolled.commander or (this.assignedcontrolled.commander == player.occupiedship)) and</replace>

Path options

Only full path

The --only-full-path option will generate only the full path to the element in the XML file. It is mean - there no // will be in the sel attribute of the add, replace or remove element.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<add sel="/wares/ware[@id=&quot;scanningarrays&quot;]" pos="before">
    <ware id="xenon_psi_emitter_mk1" name="{1972092403, 7002}" description="{1972092403, 7002}" transport="equipment" volume="1" tags="satellite noplayerbuild">
    <price min="845800" average="901420" max="1054580" />
    <production time="60" amount="0" method="default" name="Xenon Psi Emitter" />
    <production time="60" amount="0" method="xenon" name="Xenon Psi Emitter" />
    <production time="60" amount="0" method="terran" name="Xenon Psi Emitter" />
    <component ref="xenon_psi_emitter_macro" amount="0" />
    <use threshold="0" />
Use all attributes in XPath

The --use-all-attributes option will generate the sel attribute with all attributes of the element in the XML file. It is mean - there will be all attributes of the element in the sel attribute of the add, replace or remove element.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<add sel="/wares/ware[@id=&quot;scanningarrays&quot;][@name=&quot;{20201,3301}&quot;][@description=&quot;{20201,3302}&quot;][@factoryname=&quot;{20201,3304}&quot;][@group=&quot;hightech&quot;][@transport=&quot;container&quot;][@volume=&quot;38&quot;][@tags=&quot;container economy&quot;]" pos="before">
    <ware id="xenon_psi_emitter_mk1" name="{1972092403, 7002}" description="{1972092403, 7002}" transport="equipment" volume="1" tags="satellite noplayerbuild">
    <price min="845800" average="901420" max="1054580" />
    <production time="60" amount="0" method="default" name="Xenon Psi Emitter" />
    <production time="60" amount="0" method="xenon" name="Xenon Psi Emitter" />
    <production time="60" amount="0" method="terran" name="Xenon Psi Emitter" />
    <component ref="xenon_psi_emitter_macro" amount="0" />
    <use threshold="0" />

How to apply a diff file

There is a command line help for the XMLPatch tool:

XMLPatch 0.2.20
Developed by Chem O`Dun

  -o, --original_xml     Required. Path to the original XML file or directory.

  -d, --diff_xml         Required. Path to the diff XML file or directory.

  -u, --output_xml       Required. Path for the output XML file or directory.

  -x, --xsd              Path to the diff.xsd schema file.

  -l, --log-to-file      Log level (error, warn, info, debug).

  -a, --append-to-log    (Default: false) Append logs to the existing log file.

  --allow-doubles        (Default: false) Allow doubles in the diff XML. Useful for scripts patching.

  --help                 Display this help screen.

  --version              Display version information.


XMLPatch.exe -o vanilla.xml -d diff.xml -u modified.xml

Example of resulting patched XML files

There is an example of the patched XML files created by the tool:

  • with add operation:

      <ware id="satellite_mk2" name="{20201,20401}" description="{20201,20402}" transport="equipment" volume="1" tags="equipment satellite">
        <price min="44380" average="52215" max="60045"/>
        <production time="60" amount="1" method="default" name="{20206,101}">
            <ware ware="advancedelectronics" amount="5"/>
            <ware ware="energycells" amount="10"/>
            <ware ware="scanningarrays" amount="5"/>
        <production time="60" amount="1" method="xenon" name="{20206,601}" tags="noplayerbuild">
            <ware ware="energycells" amount="10"/>
            <ware ware="silicon" amount="1"/>
        <component ref="eq_arg_satellite_02_macro"/>
        <use threshold="0"/>
      <ware id="xenon_psi_emitter_mk1" name="{1972092403, 7002}" description="{1972092403, 7002}" transport="equipment" volume="1" tags="satellite noplayerbuild">
        <price min="845800" average="901420" max="1054580"/>
        <production time="60" amount="0" method="default" name="Xenon Psi Emitter"/>
        <production time="60" amount="0" method="xenon" name="Xenon Psi Emitter"/>
        <production time="60" amount="0" method="terran" name="Xenon Psi Emitter"/>
        <component ref="xenon_psi_emitter_macro" amount="0"/>
        <use threshold="0"/>
  • with replace operation:

        <set_to_default_flight_control_model object="this.assignedcontrolled"/>
        <set_value name="$defaultorder" exact="this.assignedcontrolled.defaultorder"/>
        <do_if value="@$speak and not this.assignedcontrolled.nextorder and (@$ != 'Patrol') and (@$ != 'ProtectSector') and (@$ != 'ProtectPosition') and (@$ != 'ProtectShip') and (@$ != 'ProtectStation') and (@$ != 'Plunder') and (@$ != 'Police') and (not this.assignedcontrolled.commander or (this.assignedcontrolled.commander == player.occupiedship)) and">
          <set_value name="$speakline" exact="10304" comment="Awaiting orders."/>

If output XML is a directory

If the output XML is a directory, the tool will create a new XML file with the same name as the original XML file in the output directory. For example, if the original XML file is vanilla.xml and the output directory is output, the tool will create a new XML file output/vanilla.xml.

How to apply a tools to a directories

Applying XMLDiff to directories

You can apply the XMLDiff tool to directories. In this case, the tool will traverse the directory structure and create diff files for XML files with identical names and relative paths. The process is as follows:

  • If all input parameters are directories, the tool will create diff files for all XML files in the directories.
  • The tool will recursively go through the directory structure, using modified files as a "keys" for it
  • For each changed file, the corresponding original XML file in the original directory with the same relative path will be checked.
  • If the original XML file is not found, the operation will be skipped.
  • If the original XML file is found, the diff file will be created in the output directory with the same relative path.


XMLDiff.exe -o vanilla_dir -m modified_dir -d diff_dir

Applying XMLPatch to directories

You can apply the XMLPatch tool to directories. In this case, the tool will traverse the directory structure and apply the patch to XML files with identical names and relative paths. The process is as follows:

  • If all input parameters are directories, the tool will apply the patch to all XML files in the directories.
  • The tool will recursively go through the directory structure, using diff files as a "keys" for it
  • For each diff file, the corresponding original XML file in the original directory with the same relative path will be checked.
  • If the original XML file is not found, the operation will be skipped.
  • If the original XML file is found, the diff file will be patched with the original XML file, and a new patched XML file will be created in the output directory with the same relative path.


XMLPatch.exe -o vanilla_dir -d diff_dir -u modified_dir

Issues reporting

If you have any issues with the tool, please create an issue in the issues page. Will be highly appreciated if you will provide a version of used tool and XMLDiff.log or XMLPatch.log file respectively to the tool. To create such debug file please use the --log-to-file option with debug level.


There is a MIT license for this tool. You can find it in the LICENSE file.


Special thanks to Duncaroos for the patience, testing, and valuable feedback.

Additional links

There is a topic on the EGOSOFT forum, related to this toolset.

Antivirus scanning

Please be aware - each release archive has an appropriate link to the VirusTotal. Follow the link to be sure that the archive is safe.


[0.2.22] - 2025-03-10

  • Improved
    • XMLDiff: The first attribute of elements in XPath will be always added to make a diff more clear.
    • XMLDiff: If one attribute is not enough to define the element, the next one will be added to the XPath, iteratively.
    • XMLDiff: Added the short description of integration with VSCode via RunXMLDiff.bat script and appropriate extension to make a diffs "on the fly" during editing XML files (modified ones).

[0.2.21] - 2025-03-03

  • Fixed
    • XMLDiff: fixed issue with text nodes differing
    • XMLDiff: improved "pos" definition logic
    • XMLDiff: improved logging information
  • Added
    • XMLPatch: added --allow-doubles option, useful for scripts patching
    • XMLPatch: added comments processing, now comments will be added to the resulting XML file

[0.2.20] - 2025-02-27

  • Fixed
    • XMLDiff: wrong attribute selection for the path
    • XMLDiff: fixed issue with not applied --append-to-log option
    • XMLDiff: fixed issue with wrong changed attributes count detection
    • XMLDiff: fixed usage or remove/add instead of replace for elements
    • XMLPatch: skip the diff file without diff elements
  • Improved
    • Both utilities: --log-to-file option now requires a log level (error, warn, info, debug) as a parameter

[0.2.17] - 2025-02-25

  • Fixed
    • Added checks to prevent duplicate elements during addition

[0.2.16] - 2025-02-25

  • Fixed
    • Fixed issue with element replacements
  • Improved
    • Logging information

[0.2.15] - 2025-02-24

  • Fixed
    • Fixed loading the diff.xsd
    • Fixed issue, if resulting file has to be located in current folder
  • Improved Logging information, especially about wrong sel value. More info logged about processed XML elements.
  • Added
    • Possibility to append into existing debug log

[0.2.14] - 2025-01-17

  • Added
    • First public version coded in C#.


This toolset is a simple XML diff and patch tools for X4: Foundations. It is designed to help modders to compare and patch XML files. The format of diff XML files is compatible with the appropriate `diff.xsd` format definition.








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