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# First write "problem statement", then: # PROBLEM SOLVING METHOD: I/OWP-STEO # write the problem INPUT & OUTPUT # WHITEBOARD a solution # consider algo PERFORMANCE # - (CODE) # SYNTAX highlighting # ensure TYPES flow correctly through algorithm # try a few EXAMPLES to be sure (edge & corner cases) # OPTIMIZE your code (i.e. refactor) # ====== # GENERAL PYTHON STUFF # ====== # !!! # FUNCTION SCOPE # LEGB (local scope, enclosing local scopes, global scope, builtin scope) # !!! # *ARGS AND **KWARGS # *args batches following non-keyword args into a tuple # **kwargs turns keywords into kv's in a dict # can use * operator to unpack a tuple/list/set (like spread syntax in JS) # can use ** operator to unpack a map such as a dict # !!! # USEFUL BUILTINS # TYPES: int(), float(), list(), bool(), chr(), dict(), set(), str(), tuple() #! MISC: all(),any(),enumerate(),open(),zip(),reversed(),input(),round(),isinstance(),hash() #! - `with open(<path>) as f:` #! MATH: abs(), pow(), max(), min() # - non-builtin math functions: math.ceil(), math.floor(), math.sqrt() - (same as **(1/2)) # FUNCTIONAL (non-pythonic, don't use): filter(), map() # !!! # DUCK TYPING # "Duck typing" is the pythonic way of checking type - basically try/except instead of # checking type. "Ask for forgiveness rather than permission". #! Remember, it's try/except, not try/catch #! Format is try/except(s)/else/finally # !!! # DEFAULT ARGS # A mutable default argument in a function definition is MEMBER DATA of the function - # functions are first class objects! - so the state is retained ACROSS function calls. # !!! # CONTAINERS # Lists < Dicts < Sets (in terms of speed). Use a set or dict if you need lower time complx. # from collections import Counter; Counter(<iter>) # => yields <dict> where val is num occurr. # Set and dictionary comprehensions are a thing # Elements of a set have to be immutable # Keys of a dictionary have to be immutable # Tuple elements can't be mutated # - but an entire tuple can be reassigned (bc just changing label name, see pass-by=sharing) # !!! # SORTING # sorted() is a stable sort. This is useful when doing secondary,tertiary,etc sorts. # sorted() also takes an optional comparison function of one arg - sorted(key=fn|lambda) # !!! # COMMENTS # Multi-line comments are triple-quotes-delimited ("""), single-liners use a pound sign (#) # !!! # TRUTHINESS & FALSINESS # None, False, 0, 0.0, '', and empty containers are all falsy; all other values are truthy # But falsy doesn't necessarily mean False. '' == {} # => False '' == False # => False 0 == False # => True 1 == True # => True 2 == True # => False # ^^^ as you can see, True/1 and False/0 are "value-equivalent" (but not object-equiv as with `is` keyword) # PASS-BY-SHARING # Python is neither "pass-by-value" or "pass-by-reference". # It is a combination of the two, often called "pass-by-sharing" or "pass-by-object-reference" # It is like pass by ref for mutations and pass by val for assignments. # Javascript is also pass-by-sharing. # LAMBDAS lambda x: x > 0 lambda y: isinstance(y,int) # METASYNTACTIC VAR NAMES # 'li' for lists # 'foo'/'bar' for functions # 'a', 'b', 'x', 'y' for other variables # 'res', 'ret' for return values # LOOPING # Use 'while' instead of 'for .. in' if modifying loop boundaries. # Also, remember, range doesn't change! Ex: you can't del a value coming from a range object. # PEP-8 STYLING # vars should use underscores between words unless pre-established convention (consistency!) # '_name' for internal use (these objects won't be imported by 'import') # 'name_' to avoid keyword conflicts # CamelCase for class names # constants in ALL CAPS # BITWISE OPERATIONS # Can shift around with <<, >>, <<=, >>= # | (OR), & (AND), ^ (XOR) # bool(x&1) returns True for odd x ints and False for even x ints # Ex: 5 & 1 is interpreted as: 0b101 & 0b001 => 1 (0b1) # Ex: 7 ^ 2 is interpreted as: 0b111 ^ 0b010 => 5 (0b101) # Python uses two's complement for negative numbers (bitops become more diff with neg nums) # MISC # In Python, everything is an object (this means everything can be assigned to vars or passed as fn arg) # import cProfile and cProfile.run('<code>') are useful for timing. # can return multiple values (implicit tuple - no parens needed) # can use comma for multiple assignment anywhere you imght normally use a 'tmp' variable to switch 2 values # ====== # STRINGS # ====== # !!! # .FORMAT() # <str>.format() is very useful, curly braces can take names as well '{}: {}'.format(0, 'hi') '{0} be nimble, {0} be quick, {0} jump over the {1}'.format('Jack', 'candle stick') '{idx}: {val}'.format(idx=0, val='hi') '{:02d}'.format(3.14159) # => 3.14 # https://pyformat.info/ is very useful # !!! # Strings are immutable; therefore, concatenating strings is space expensive! # This is because new memory space must be allocated for each new concat'd string result. # Ex: concatenating a single char n times to a string in a for loop has O(n^2) time complexity. Yikes! # While strings are immutable, they can be easily converted to/from lists, which are mutable. # Remember strings are immutable - can't use subscript or 'del' operators s = 'abc' # s[1] = 'd' # TypeError 'str' object does not support assignment # del s[1] # TypeError 'str' object does not support deletion # lists are not strings (BUT both ARE iterable types) 'abc' == ['a','b','c'] # => False # Strings are immutable but you can use +, *, += and *= on them 'a' * 2 # => 'aa' # Since strings are immutable, they can be used as dictionary keys, since the hash won't change # METHODS # .upper(), .lower(), .title() # .strip() # .count() # .index(<substr>), .find(<substr>) # .split(<substr>), .join(<iter>) # .replace(<old>,<new>), .translate(<map>[, delChars]) # .translate(None, delChars) can be a good way to easily remove all instances of a set of chars from str. # ====== # LISTS # ====== # !!! # Check if a value is in an array with `n in nums` # !!! # SLICE ASSIGNMENT # Python's "pass-by-sharing" normally doesn't allow you to mutate a container via assignment # When assigning <var> = <val>, <var> is a label/reference to the value <val> in memory # But you can mutate <var> with slice assignment: <var>[:] = [1,2,3] mutates var in-place. # This is because <var> just means the label <var>, but <var>[:] means the underlying entire list. # <var>[:] = <val> is AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT OPERATION from <var> = <list>[:], which returns a shallow copy of <list>. # You can also "slice assign" just a portion of the underlying list in memory: <var>[0:2] = [0,0,0] # stackoverflow.com/questions/10623302 # stackoverflow.com/questions/12078679 # stackoverflow.com/questions/10155951 # !!! # A shallow copy is the same value, recreated elsewhere in memory: a = [1,2,3,4,5] b = a[:] # b = a would have b point to the SAME array in mem b[1] = 99 # a => [1,2,3,4,5] # b => [1,99,3,4,5] # You can coerce a range to a list list(range(-2,3)) # => [-2,-1,0,1,2] # EFFICIENCY # Internally, a list is handled as an fixed-size array that grows when full. # - len and subscripting are O(1), copy is O(n) as is insert/del (have to shift elements) # - sorting is O(nlogn), algorithm is timsort # - https://wiki.python.org/moin/TimeComplexity # Often there are brute-force algos for array problems that use O(n) space, but there are often O(1) solutions if you: # - write to the array in-place # - operate from BOTH ends # - maintain 'subarrays' within the array with i,j,etc vars # METHODS # .append(), .insert() # .pop(<i>) (i optional), .remove(<value>) # .index() # ====== # DICTIONARIES # ====== # Keys have to be immutable types - numerics or strings will work, but a list won't work # When you iterate over a dictionary, you iterate over the keys by default, not the values # - can specify .keys(), .values(), .items() # Use <dict>.get(<key>) to avoid KeyError on an unexpected missing key # Use <dict>.setdefault(<k>,<v>) to set a val only if key isn't already present # ====== # GENERATORS / GENERATOR EXPRESSIONS # ====== # Generator expressions are much like list comprehensions x = [i for i in range(1000000)] # ^^^ the entire list is created in memory all at once y = (i for i in range(1000000)) # ^^^ this is a generator expression. you use the builtin function next() # to gen next value on-the-fly, which can be more time & space efficient next(y) # => 0 next(y) # => 1 next(y) # => 2 # ^^^ with generators, python keeps track of state on its own
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