- Senior Platform Architect
I’m a multi-disciplined Architect with over two decades of experience spanning various client, server and cloud infrastructure technologies. Experienced at deploying, supporting, and managing the infrastructure and platform components that provide the foundation to build and run business applications. Familiar with infra-as-code primitives and automation/scripting languages, as well the fundamental characteristics of network, storage, and databases.
These days I work extensively with the following and more:
- Cloud Provider(s): AWS
- Kubernetes: AWS EKS
- CI/CD: ArgoCD, CodeFresh, and GitHub Actions
- Language(s): Go
- Databases: AWS RDS
- Cache engines: ElastiCache
- IaC: Terraform
- Managing Secrets: Vault, vault-injector, External Secrets Operator
- Observability: Prometheus, Grafana, NewRelic, Cloudwatch
- B.A. in Criminal Justice with minor in Information Systems
- Certified Kubernetes Administrator 01/16/2020 - 01/16/2023
- Certified Kubernetes Application Developer 10/2/2019 - 10/02/2021
- AWS Solution Architect Associate 10/17/2016 - 10/17/2018
- AWS Certified Developer - Associate 12/30/2017 - 12/30/2020
Cloud Environments
- Google Cloud
- Azure
Platform design patterns
- Account as a Service
- Template as a Service
- Cluster as a Service
- Namespace as a Service
Testing infrastructure
- Testkube, EnvTest, Terratest, Kyverno Chainsaw
- K6, JMeter, locust
- Cypress, Selenium
Progressive delivery
- ArgoCD
- Argocd Rollouts
- FluxCD
- Data-pipelines: Fluent-bit, Otel collector, Logging operator, Loki
- Tracing: Jaeger, Zipkin
- Metrics: Prometheus, OpenTelemetry
- Dashboards: Grafana
Infrastructure as Code
- Crossplane
- Terraform
Governance & policies
- OPA, Kyverno, AWS SCP
- Useful Tools: trivy copa, snyk, grype
Identity and access
- Keycloak
Tools I've deployed to Kubernetes clusters and think should installed
- ArgoCD
- External Secrets Operator or vault-injector
- Cert Manager
- Fluent-bit
- Argo Rollouts
- Argo Events (optional)
- Argo Workflows (optional)
- Karpenter (EKS)
- Kubecost
- Velero (optional)
- Metrics server
- AWS loadbalancer controller / Ingress Nginx controller
- Kyverno
- OPA gatekeeper
- K8sgpt operator (optional)
- Atlas Operator (optional)
- CloudNativePG (CNPG)
- Knative serving
Large Language Model(s) (LLM)
- Primary focus using llms locally using Ollama.
- K8sgpt cli and operator