A command line tool to generate class uml diagram from dart code. The tool supports PlantUml and mermaid.
- Generics
- Abstract, static methods, fields
- Enumeration
- Global functions, variables
The first step is to perform the installation:
> dart pub global activate code_uml
> code_uml --from=[<your_path_to_dir_input>] --to=[<your_path_to_dir_output>] --uml=plantuml
> code_uml --from=[<your_path_to_dir_input>] --to=[<your_path_to_dir_output>] --uml=mermaid
Make to write <your_path_to_dir_input> and <your_path_to_dir_output> with the absolute paths of your input and output directories. On macOS and Linux, you can obtain the absolute path using pwd, and on Windows, you can use cd.
For example, if your project absolute path is /Users/tester/Desktop/your_project_name, the command would be:
> code_uml --from="/Users/tester/Desktop/your_project_name/lib" --to="/Users/tester/Desktop/your_project_name" --uml=plantuml
Then you need to run the command to output the code to the console:
> code_uml --from=[<your_path_to_dir_input>] --to=[<your_path_to_dir_output>]