2 commits
to refs/heads/master
since this release
Essential Links
- #12034 [fix] Handle non-primitives in isNumber
Bugs Fixed
- #12035 Export ...ParsedData interfaces
- #12012 Fix helpers `Chart` type
- #11991 Bugfix: TypeError in Interaction due to out-of-bounds index
- #11986 Bugfix: return nearest non-null point on interaction when spanGaps=true
- #11984 Bugfix: span gaps over null values beyond scale limits
- #12035 Export ...ParsedData interfaces
- #12012 Fix helpers `Chart` type
- #12010 Type fixes for time adapters
- #12036 chore: bump to v4.4.8
Thanks to @etimberg, @joshkel, @marisst, @pensono and @prems51