Shinobi role will deploy Shinobi CCTV system Ubuntu, CentOS or Archlinux systems. Using variables is possible to deploy the CE or the Pro version.
The role requirements are Nodejs with npm and FFMPEG; it requires also an instance of Mariadb/Postgres up and running with shinobi database and schemas already created, or can be deployed using shinobi-db role.
This role requires three main variables (except if is a childNode, see clustering):
db_host: "localhost"
shinobi_pass: "test"
shinobi_port: "8080"
The db_host
variable is the address of shinobi database, the role assumes that is already created and configured; if the address is wrong the role WILL NOT fail but Shinobi will not work.
The shinobi_pass
variable is the password for the shinobi backend service in order to connect to the database.
The shinobi_port
variable is the port
Default variables are:
random_key: "{{ lookup('password', '/dev/null length=15 chars=ascii_letters') }}"
ce_version: ""
pro_version: ""
ce: true
pro: false
lts: true
startup: true
shinobi_user: "shinobi"
shinobi_version: "HEAD"
dbhash: "md5"
The random_key
variable is used for random password generation. The ce/pro_version
are references for Shinobi Code repository for community and pro version respectively. The ce/pro
flags defines which version download. The lts
flag represent which version of node is installed in order to avoid to install sqlite dependencies (for v8 of nodejs sqlite installation from npm fails).
The shinobi_user
is the default shinobi user for database, dbhash
is the hashing algorithm used for password store (see Depdendencies section).
The shinobi_version
is the commit hash or branch which has to be cloned from shionbi repository.
With the introduction of child nodes there are two extra variables that could be defined.
cluster: true or false
cluster_role: "child" or "master"
if cluster_role
is set to child also master_key
and master_ip
must be provided
This role has a direct dependency with nodejs and ffmpeg roles and an indirect dependency with Mysql/Mariadb and shinobit schema defined. The direct dependencies list is:
- charliemaiors.nodejs (lts flag is applied also to nodejs role in order to determine which version install)
- charliemaiors.ffmpeg
The indirect dependency is with charliemaiors.shinobi-db using shinobi_user
, shinobi_pass
as common variables and db_host
variable could be determined using db host machine address (or could be also localhost
in case of same machine).W
This is an example with an all-in-one installation:
- name: Deploy Shinobi on Single host
hosts: shinobi-all-in-one
shinobi_pass: "shinobi-test-machine"
db_host: "localhost"
shinobi_port: "8080"
user_pass: "shinobi-test"
user_mail: ""
dbhash: "sha256"
startup: true
ce: false
pro: true
lts: true
- charliemaiors.nodejs
- charliemaiors.ffmpeg
- charliemaiors.shinobi-db
- charliemaiors.shinobi
This is an example with database on a different machine:
-- name: Deploy shinobi db
hosts: shinobi-db
- { role: charliemaiors.shinobi-db, shinobi_pass: "shinobi-test-machine", user_pass: "shinobi-test", user_mail: ""}
- name: Deploy shinobi frontend
hosts: shinobi-fe
- charliemaiors.nodejs
- charliemaiors.ffmpeg
- { role: charliemaiors.shinobi, db_host: "{{ hostvars[groups['shinobi-db'][0]].ansible_host }}", shinobi_port: "8080", user_pass: "shinobi-test", user_mail: "", shinobi_pass: "shinobi-test-machine", startup: true, ce: false, pro: true }
This is an example with database on a different machine and child nodes:
- name: Deploy shinobi db
hosts: shinobi-db
- { role: charliemaiors.shinobi-db, shinobi_pass: "shinobi-test-machine", user_pass: "shinobi-test", user_mail: ""}
- name: Deploy shinobi master
hosts: shinobi-master
- charliemaiors.nodejs
- charliemaiors.ffmpeg
- { role: charliemaiors.shinobi, db_host: "{{ hostvars[groups['shinobi-db'][0]].ansible_host }}", shinobi_port: "8080", user_pass: "shinobi-test", user_mail: "", shinobi_pass: "shinobi-test-machine", startup: true, ce: false, pro: true, cluster: true, cluster_role: "master", master_key: "test" }
- name: Deploy shinobi child nodes
hosts: shinobi-childs
- charliemaiors.nodejs
- charliemaiors.ffmpeg
- { role: charliemaiors.shinobi, master_ip: "{{ hostvars[groups['shinobi-master'][0]].ansible_host }}", cluster: true, cluster_role: "child", master_key: "test" }
This role was created in 2018 by Carlo Maiorano as developer for Dipartimento di Informatica - Scienza e Ingegneria of Alma Mater Studiorum directed and supervisioned by Paolo Bellavista as Group Leader.