Who is Using ChaosBlade
First of all, thanks sincerely for constantly using and supporting ChaosBlade. We will try our best to keep ChaosBlade better, and keep growing ChaosBlade community. To attract more people to use and contribute to ChaosBlade, please comment in this issue to include the following information:
- Your company, school or organization.
- Your city and country.
- Your contact info: blog, email, twitter (at least one).
- For what scenario do you use ChaosBlade
You can refer to the following sample answer for the format:
- Company: Alibaba
- Location: Hangzhou, China
- Contact:
- Purpose: fault-injection for testing system fault tolerance
首先诚挚地感谢每一位持续关注并使用 ChaosBlade 的朋友。我们会持续投入,力图把 ChaosBlade 变得更好,把 ChaosBlade 社区变得更加繁荣。为了更好的聆听社区的声音,吸引更多的人使用和参与,我们期待您在此提交一条评论, 评论内容包括:
- 您所在公司、学校或组织
- 您所在的城市、国家
- 您的联系方式: 微博、邮箱、微信 (至少一个)
- 您将 ChaosBlade 用于哪些业务场景
- 公司:阿里巴巴
- 网址: (方便用获取LOGO)
- 地点:中国杭州
- 联系方式
- 场景:做故障注入,测试系统的容错性
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