PHP8.1 NGINX composer Jwt framework
1. `JwekeyEncryption`
2. `ContentEncryption`
3. `Jwecompression`
4. `Serialization`
$keyEncryptionAlgorithmManager = new AlgorithmManager([ new RSAOAEP256(), ]);
$contentEncryptionAlgorithmManager = new AlgorithmManager([ new A256CBCHS512(), ]);
$compressionMethodManager = new CompressionMethodManager([ new Deflate(), ]);
$serializerManager = new JWESerializerManager([ new CompactSerializer() ]);
- *We have already install composer and required package . No need to install again
-steps to achieve
install composer in localsystem
Run command to add package in our library.
This library is use for algorithm list depends on the cypher operation to be performed (signature or encryption)
Core component of the JWT Framework
composer require web-token/jwt-core
This package is use for Generate A New Key
composer require web-token/jwt-key-mgmt
This package is use JWS serializers
composer require web-token/jwt-signature
This package is use for Header Checker JWT (JWS or JWE)
composer require web-token/jwt-checker
This package is use for Content encryption algorithm manager with the aescbc algorithm
This package is use for key encryption algorithm manager with the RSA-OAEP-256 algorithm
composer require web-token/jwt-encryption-algorithm-rsa
For reference